Mooch Blend
in Tobacco Talk
So I have what I call a Mooch-ador where some of my less favorite cigars go that some of my friends get to pick out of as it seems these friends might not finish a cigar or they never seem to have their own cigar. This is also my "Yard" cigar humidor. I do keep some well known budget budget pipe tobaccos on hand which I do like smoking myself and make sure to move to the front of the cellar when I know I have certain friends over. Kind of like making sure that half gone bottle of 20 year Pappy Van Winkle bourbon stays well hidden when my whiskey loving friends come over for a casual drink. I know it may seem selfish, yet most of us are human.
What is your Mooch Blend for that one or two friends that are looking for a hand out?
What is your Mooch Blend for that one or two friends that are looking for a hand out?
a blend that will wow them or at least entice them to try more.If they are
regular pipers it will depend on what they bring to the table,they bring a
pouch of dog turd and I bring out my mystery mix.They bring a good aro
or VaPer and I'll break out the tins of Dunhill.
If it's open, it's to share. If it's a sealed tin or a mason jar that I've left sealed for aging I don't generally open anything new for company (but I've broken that rule, too). Like Jud said - to me, that's hospitality.
and the only other person interested enough to try is my BIL and I set him up with some
cherry blends.As to my cellar,well it aint nothing to scream about but what is there is kept
safe and secure behind a brigade of Femi-Nazis.
I only had one friend who consistently reached for nice sticks he didn't or couldn't finish and didn't appreciate. I started hiding those from him, but 99% of the time, people were gracious guests.
I had friends who would usually take my better cigars, but they loved them and for them they were real treats, and in those cases, their pleasure was my pleasure.
All of that to say, I guess I default to hospitality, but reserve the right to be less hospitable when someone takes advantage.
For some reason, all bets are off with pipe tobacco. If I have it on my person, you're welcome to a bowl. If you really fall in love with it, I don't think anything of sending the rest of the tin/jar home with you... Unless it is my last one.