Re-Clocking an estate pipe

There are a lot of old Kaywoodies and other pipes to be found in flea markets and antique/junk malls for cheap. If they are 2 digit or 4 digit they are highly prized by collectors and pipe smokers. The problem is that many of them have been smoked and the stem is twisted out of alignment. One that I found was a pre-1943 Linkeman Hollycourt Special that had been twisted so far that the circle logo which was supposed to be at the top of the stem was on the bottom.
I was made of several possible remedies for the problem and tried two of them but could only get the stem to oxidize. They involved heating the stem without burning or melting it and screwing the stem back into the shank until it was aligned properly.
Then I had a thought (yep, it does happen occasionally). I pulled out my torch cigar lighter, Held the stinger just above the visible flame for about 10 seconds - and without the flame getting near the vulcanite - and then screwed it into the shank. I applied just enough pressure to the stem to over-tightened it and the vulcanite rotated on the stinger until it was aligned. From what I have learned, the heat on the metal stinger melts the glue just enough for movement and then the glue hardens back in place.
At least it worked for me.