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Post 07' tobacco avoidance

I enjoy cruising through P&C website looking at all the different tobacco blends, ratings & reviews with as much excitement and enthusiasm as I did with the toy section, (and the lingerie section) of the Sears catalogue when I was a little kid.
However lately I've been finding myself avoiding reviews & whatnot on newer tobacco blends altogether that will likely disappear because of those dirty cocksuckers at the FDA.
I don't want to have to spend a small fortune cellaring stuff that I won't be able to buy down the road, or miss it because I don't have any and can't get it anymore the way a little kid misses his lost teddy bear.
Is anyone else doing this, or just enjoying it while it's here and you have access to it for now.
For me, Frog Morton Cellar comes to mind. I'd love to buy kegs of it but in no way shape or form would be able to afford my lifetime ration of it.


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    I'm with you on this. Lately I've been turning my focuses to old blends that I haven't had before. I already have enough blends that I'm in love with that I will no longer be able to smoke. It's not too terrible though. There's still a plethora of great tobacco out there that's grandfathered in.
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    I'm on the other side of this issue. There are some newer blends that I have bought and cellared with the expectation that they will not be available in the future because of the FDA. I want to be able to say, "Yeah, I've smoked it in the past."

    There is really no way of knowing what the future holds. Everything could stay the same and a lot of blends will disappear from the market in 2 years. The courts could rule against the FDA and it could change the deeming date or rule it unconstitutional. The congress and senate could actually do something (don't laugh, it is possible if not probable) and exempt cigars and pipe tobaccos from the deeming regs.
    We could get lucky and the next President could wipe out the entire question with a executive order.

    The thing is, we just don't know, so I chose to buy now while I have the opportunity.
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    drac2485drac2485 Professor
    I agree with @pappyjoe I'm going to enjoy the next two years and try and hopefully stock up on the blends that might not be there as I will have plenty of time to try out the old blends later
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    Hmm, very good points @PappyJoe.
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    I try and cellar newer stuff - been stocking up on LRR and Amphora Regular. I try older blends,too, but don't worry about stocking up, because they will still be around no matter what.  I don't worry about it, and I don't get angry - not worth my energy. 
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    When thinking about the FDA (or dealing with the government) I am reminded of this prayer.

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,And wisdom to know the difference.

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    These are some good points. I may change my method. I still don't think I'll cellar many blends, but it is worth smoking the newer blends still. 
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    I try to give the new blends a shot, and if they are not here in two years, then there are always the pre-07's to fall back on.
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    @pappyjoe, that's good advice to remember no matter what you are doing.
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    I've noticed a slight trend by the net suppliers tending to reduce the price of a number of tobaccos that will be likely cut. The way that law seems too read it looks as if sale of them will be banned after the cutoff. 
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    Anything that was on the market on Aug. 8 can stay on the market for another 18 - 24 months while the manufacturer decides whether or not to go through the approval process. Nothing had to be taken off the market on Aug. 8.
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    To be honest, the FDA regs have done very little to change my buying habits.  I continue to buy larger quantities of my favorite "can't live without" blends to cellar, and always toss in a tin or two of something new.

    Like @pappyjoe , I want to be able to say "yeah...I tried that back when it was around" if worse comes to worst.  If the outcome is rosier, I don't want to miss out on two years of trying new things because I lived in fear of the future.

    The only measurable change is that one of those "can't live without" blends falls in to the post-2007 category (but only one), so I have spent more of my tobacco cellar budget on that blend than normal, just in case.
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    I plan on picking up some more tins of post 2007 blends, just because I want to try them before they go away. Otherwise I'm stocking up on my favorites.
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