Post 07' tobacco avoidance

in Tobacco Talk
I enjoy cruising through P&C website looking at all the different tobacco blends, ratings & reviews with as much excitement and enthusiasm as I did with the toy section, (and the lingerie section) of the Sears catalogue when I was a little kid.
However lately I've been finding myself avoiding reviews & whatnot on newer tobacco blends altogether that will likely disappear because of those dirty cocksuckers at the FDA.
I don't want to have to spend a small fortune cellaring stuff that I won't be able to buy down the road, or miss it because I don't have any and can't get it anymore the way a little kid misses his lost teddy bear.
Is anyone else doing this, or just enjoying it while it's here and you have access to it for now.
For me, Frog Morton Cellar comes to mind. I'd love to buy kegs of it but in no way shape or form would be able to afford my lifetime ration of it.
However lately I've been finding myself avoiding reviews & whatnot on newer tobacco blends altogether that will likely disappear because of those dirty cocksuckers at the FDA.
I don't want to have to spend a small fortune cellaring stuff that I won't be able to buy down the road, or miss it because I don't have any and can't get it anymore the way a little kid misses his lost teddy bear.
Is anyone else doing this, or just enjoying it while it's here and you have access to it for now.
For me, Frog Morton Cellar comes to mind. I'd love to buy kegs of it but in no way shape or form would be able to afford my lifetime ration of it.
Like @pappyjoe , I want to be able to say "yeah...I tried that back when it was around" if worse comes to worst. If the outcome is rosier, I don't want to miss out on two years of trying new things because I lived in fear of the future.
The only measurable change is that one of those "can't live without" blends falls in to the post-2007 category (but only one), so I have spent more of my tobacco cellar budget on that blend than normal, just in case.