Tobacco leftovers
in Tobacco Talk
Just wondering what you guys do with the tobacco you have that may be less than a bowls worth. Do you mix it with something else, throw it in a jar with all the other leftovers or just throw it away with tin?
I can't let any go to waste and will mix it with something else. I have also mixed tobacco that I didn't like with something else to try to make something positive out of it. Sometimes it turns out good other times not so good.
If you like it. make a "Parfait" of it with another you like and smoke it to see where the taste changes.
I'm coming from my taste buds, yours may be different...
After my short presence here on TPL so far, I have begun wondering if perhaps I should add another jar and split the leftovers between English leftovers and Aromatic leftovers to see where that takes the flavors and tastes.