A good smoking pipe?

Super new pipe smoker here @4 months or so.
I hear people talking about pipes that smoke good and pipes that do not smoke good. So far, I've only smoked a Missouri Meerschaum bent stem pipe and a Moonshine poker style straight stem pipe. I'm assuming they smoked good because I was able to draw smoke into my mouth without catching my beard on fire.
What exactly am I looking for in a good smoking pipe? Better yet, how do I know if the pipe I'm smoking would be considered a bad one?
As of now, the only thing I can consider bad, not enjoyable to me that is, is burly tobacco. (I think burly tobacco tastes to much like cigarettes. I quit smoking cigarettes 20 years ago and I can't stand cigarette taste or smell now.) but I wouldn't think that would have anything to do with the pipe itself. I mean, whatever vessel you drink your whiskey from does not alter the taste of the whiskey. Right?
I hear people talking about pipes that smoke good and pipes that do not smoke good. So far, I've only smoked a Missouri Meerschaum bent stem pipe and a Moonshine poker style straight stem pipe. I'm assuming they smoked good because I was able to draw smoke into my mouth without catching my beard on fire.
What exactly am I looking for in a good smoking pipe? Better yet, how do I know if the pipe I'm smoking would be considered a bad one?
As of now, the only thing I can consider bad, not enjoyable to me that is, is burly tobacco. (I think burly tobacco tastes to much like cigarettes. I quit smoking cigarettes 20 years ago and I can't stand cigarette taste or smell now.) but I wouldn't think that would have anything to do with the pipe itself. I mean, whatever vessel you drink your whiskey from does not alter the taste of the whiskey. Right?
A big factor in a briar pipe is how well the briar is seasoned. That, and basic engineering, make a better pipe. I always advise to buy the best pipes you can afford. Nothing wrong with being frugal - careful with your money - but don't be stingy. There is a difference.
I am smoking an old Kaywoodie Stembiter from the 1950s that I bought and cleaned on Saturday. It is doing pretty good