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Maybe time for subcategories?

@nicolestglaneltd Has anyone looked at maybe creating subcategories in the categories? We now have over 100 discussions in the tobacco talk categories for example. It would be nice to see all the reviews grouped together in a subcategory as it would make them easier to find. It would also be nice to see the General categories broken into subcategories at some point. 

I'm sure other members have ideas for subcategories they would like to see.


  • mhajecmhajec Enthusiast
    A trades subcategory would be cool to see, you know, so people can offer up what they have without getting lost in one post.
  • I think this would be a great idea.
  • dstribdstrib Apprentice
    That is a great idea
  • Can you guys give me an idea of other subcategories you think we need besides tobacco reviews?
  • @nicolestglaneltd -
    I would like to see:

    General renamed as Non-Tobacco Interests with subcategories of Sports, Food & Beverage, Books to start. The informative blurb at the top needs to emphasize that this category is for ALL Non-tobacco topics.
    Ask an Expert is ok.
    Pipes & Tools - add subcategories for Meerschaum pipes and Lighters
    Tobacco Talk - add subcategories for Tobacco Reviews
    The Lounge -  I think of this category as where subjects  tangentially related to pipe smoking  needs to be with added subcategories for Trades, Pipe Club meetings & Events, etc. I would even do a subcategory of Functionality and Feedback.
    The Pack - the sub category for pipe club meetings and events could possibly go here as well. 

    That's my input. I'm sure other members have ideas that should be considered as well.
  • I agree an "off-topic" sub category would be nice.
  • drac2485drac2485 Professor
    @nicolestglaneltd  Here are some ideas to add onto what @pappyjoe suggested (not knowing if you start subcategories then everything needs to be put in one)
    Pipes & Tools- SUBCATs Briar, Cob, Other Pipes, Tampers, Tools, Cases
    Tobacco Talk- Trades, (I wish I could say new blends but... FDA), of course Tobacco Reviews (possibly Sub Categoried by tobacco types?)
    The Lounge- I think @thewanderingdude 's Off-Topic Sub Cat could fit there
    The Pack- ummmmm.... I still don' t really know what to use that Category for in the first place
    I do think there should be a Help/Support Category for Functionality and Feedback and possibly a suggestions area or at least an easy link in the side bar to access as it seems to be buried amongst the other discussions (and I always forget I can just do a search)

    I know I'm not the only one that greatly appreciates all the work you and the other ones hiding in the corner put into making this site exist for us pipe smokers to enjoy.  Thanks

  • @pappyjoe's suggestions are in line with my thoughts. I like @drac2485's idea of having a Trade section in Tobacco Talk. "General" already is "off-topic" - with sub-cats like pappyjoe's suggestions,that would become clearer.
  • drac2485drac2485 Professor
    Oops I just realized we have a General category....   I'm not all awake yet this morning.  I agree with @pappyjoe and @judandhispipe on that Cat.  Oh and add a General Cigar Category would be nice as well since a lot of smoke cigars as well but not break it into sub cats to keep it more limited

    Also, I don't know how possible this is but since most of the topics in Ask and Expert could also be in other categories is it possible to just flag a discussion that someone is asking advice on so it still stays in an appropriate category.  I know that might be asking a lot but just an idea.
  • @drac2485 - I understand your suggestions but I think they should be careful about creating too many subcategories. Have a separate subcategory for tampers, pouches, and tools would be too many in my opinion as I look on all those as tools. I do think having a pipe category with subcategory of meerschaum and cob is good but other material could be in the main category of pipes with briar at first.
  • drac2485drac2485 Professor
    @pappyjoe I agree I just have know that sometimes in forums if you start subcategories everything has be go into a sub cat.  Anything that organizes it a bit more to make it easier to find things will help
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