Zippo Pipe Lighter

For the life of me, I can't seem to ever light or relight my pipe with a zippo pipe lighter. When I first started smoking a pipe years ago that's what I used, then I put it up and finally broke it back out a few eels ago. I trimmed the wick and repacked the lighter. When I try to use it I can't seem to get the flame to draw into the bowl, HELP PLEASE.
As an ALIEN fan these Zippo Lighters are my personal wet dreams.
More ALIEN lighters. Awesome - but too damn expensive. Each lighter is shipped once a month at $39.00 each. By the time you're done paying for this it's close to $300.00.
Yeah, that too...
Long time no hear from you…. Hope you are well
Check out @AceFour, a fellow Zippo fan.