Becoming a flake smoker

in Tobacco Talk
I must be turning into a flake as I have begun to really enjoy some flake tobaccos. It started with Rum Flake and has progressed to where I'm now smoking St. Bruno Flake and Erinmore Flake. Unlike some, I get more of a berry/pineapple aroma when I open the tin. In a small diameter bowl, it seems to at its best for me and is a slow, smooth smoke. I've smoked about 15 bowls of Erinmore Flake in the past month and it has never created a tongue bite.
I will say I found the strength to be mild at first light and it gradually builds up after an hour of smoking to where I notice the nicotine. I'm definitely ordering some more and will keep it in my rotation.
When I started learning about flakes, I asked what the advantage was, and I was told by a very knowledgeable smoker that flakes smoke cooler and more slowly. It seems to me that if you rub it out, you've just eliminated the advantages of a flake over a ready rubbed.
I love flakes and broken flakes, but I always rub them out rather than fold and stuff. More often than not, I'll have enough rubbed out to put a bit back into my tin to have for later. Eventually, it adds up to more bowls than just folding and stuffing. It definitely depends on the chamber size of the pipe, though.