St. Peter and the Anti-smoker
John was a fervent anti-smoking activist. One day, at the ripe old age of 57, he died of a heart attack and ascended to heaven. As he approached the gate he saw St. Peter sitting there smoking a churchwarden pipe and talking to another angel who was smoking a cigar.
John walked up and said, “Hmmph. If I was in charge there would be no smoking in heaven and you should be ashamed for setting such a bad example.”
St. Peter looked at him as a cloud of smoke shaped like angel wings wafted from his pipe. “So, you would like to be in charge? I think we have a position opened for someone wanting to be in management. Just stepped through that gate.”
John walked through the gate and immediately fell asleep. When he woke up Satan was standing over him, prodding him with his pitchfork. John said, “Wait! What am I doing here? I lived a good life and fought smoking as hard as I could.?
Satan said, “Yeah! There was a mistake made and you went to St. Peter instead of coming to me directly. That’s your patch of tobacco to grow over there.”