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Carved Perfection

I know a few guys such as @pappyjoe have great hand carved pipes with emblems, faces, etc on them. What are your thought on these pipes and do you have any yourself?


  • I dont have one but I want one
  • drac2485drac2485 Professor
    I love the artistry when it comes to the hand carved pipes.  However, as nice looking as some of them are I could never see myself smoking them.  The civil war soldier pipe I have look awesome but it is the most uncomfortable pipe I have ever held and will probably never smoke it and just put on a shelf as a piece of art.  Most of my carved pipes are that way.  I have a few that the artist carved that you can tell they took care to ensure they fit the hand just right and I love smoking those but some just seem big and cumbersome to hold.
  • I agree @abreathawayfromglory and @drac2485 that they look pretty cool. I think I would be afraid of dropping them the though...I'm a clutz! 
  • drac2485drac2485 Professor
    @pipeprofessor  Yeah, as expensive as the carved, and nicely carved, pipes get I too would be afraid of breaking them.  I'd rather be able to add that to the piping mishaps discussion.
  • I smoke my Coast Guard pipe on a regular basis. It's big though, so it's usually on a weekend or specially occasion when I know I'm going to have a couple of hours. Had it lit for 1 hr. 45 minutes on Aug. 4th. The ship pipe I pull out and smoke about once a month. The bowl on it is fairly larger also.

    I also have a "saxophone" meerschaum Sultan. I bought it unsmoked at a flea market for $10. The first time I smoked it I found cracks in the bowl and stummel. I carefully cleaned it and have it sitting on my shelf as a display piece. 

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