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First Pipe Club Meeting

So I received an invite to a local pipe club meeting this Friday. I have never attended a pipe meeting or event, what should I expect? 


  • Expect to be welcomed by guys who share a common interest, pipe clubs are great, you'll share tobacco, so bring some to share. Its a great experience and a chance to make new friends. Enjoy it!
  • our "club" is about having friends first, that enjoy pipes. some clubs are the opposite. so expect either.
  • I was nervous going into my pipe club, but that was because I was going into a full house and didn't know what to expect.

    Honestly, unless the members are stuck up (which I doubt), you're going to have a fun time. Every time I've gone, it's been great with discussions about pipes, tobacco, and how you got into the hobby. Bring some baccy to share and you'll make plenty of new pipe friends.
  • At our pipe club meeting everyone brings tobacco for sharing and trading. We also show off our latest pipes.
  • @pappyjoe I like how your club works. My experience last night was I brought all the tobacco and everyone sampled my stuff lol! It was a good time, just not what I was expecting. It was more of a bunch of guys hanging out than a pipe club in my mind. Not much talk of pipes or tobaccos. At one point I asked if anyone got their order in for Christmas Cheer and everybody looked at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears. They had no idea what I was talking about. One guy smoked straight latakia, yes straight latakia and the other straight perique, yes straight perique. Im not saying Im above any of that or anything, lol, it was just not what I was expecting....at all. 
  • qmechanicsqmechanics Apprentice
    Never been close enough to a pipe club to join in on a regular basis.
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