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Words I Associate With Pipe Smokers

Lets play a little word association game.
When I think of pipe smokers and pipe smoking these words or names come to mind:
suave, sophisticated, intellectual, free spirit, scientist, professor, Sherlock Holmes, outdoors man, lighthouse attendant, seaman and Sea Captain, Popeye, 50s' father, patrons in an English pub, a farmer or old timer puffing a corn cob pipe, writers, the movie "The Wolfman" (there are about a half dozen main characters smoking a pipe), a old Gypsy woman sitting around a campfire smoking a cob (another movie scene burned into my memory), Bing Crosby, Santa Claus, Frosty The Snowman, daydreaming and lost in thought, Hugh Hefner, pleasant aroma, and packing and puffing.      


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