An observation and question for STG

With the demise of MB , it seems the world is now truly lacking , more than it was before , in quality burley blends .
If you look at online supply of Wessex Burley Slice and Solani Aged Burley Flake .. they are generally not in stock .
I know STG makes Stokkebye Cube and its quite nice . But its a bit bright compared to the above mentioned and MB London Burley , as an example . Of course , it will become my go to if there is nothing new soon but ... Ive got an idea
Really , STG could make an Excellent Burley Slice . Btw , burley comes in slices not flakes . Flakes are for Virginia ... but what do I know ,
Please , in the realm of Wessex Burley Slice or ABF ... you guys can make a killer one too . If you do , please dont give it a cutesy name . Im so over cutesy tobacco names or BS blend descriptions , like GLP products that contain " the souls of poets " .. see what Im saying
Can you make a killer burley ? I think you most definitely can
If you look at online supply of Wessex Burley Slice and Solani Aged Burley Flake .. they are generally not in stock .
I know STG makes Stokkebye Cube and its quite nice . But its a bit bright compared to the above mentioned and MB London Burley , as an example . Of course , it will become my go to if there is nothing new soon but ... Ive got an idea
Really , STG could make an Excellent Burley Slice . Btw , burley comes in slices not flakes . Flakes are for Virginia ... but what do I know ,
Please , in the realm of Wessex Burley Slice or ABF ... you guys can make a killer one too . If you do , please dont give it a cutesy name . Im so over cutesy tobacco names or BS blend descriptions , like GLP products that contain " the souls of poets " .. see what Im saying
Can you make a killer burley ? I think you most definitely can