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March Meerschaum 2025

Its is March so load up your meerschaums and light them up. 
I will start with my very first, a CAO Cavalier my wife gave me as a Christmas present in December 1984. 
I am smoking Gurkha Urban Legend. 


  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Second pipe. This is a meerschaum I found lightly smoked at an antique shop. Another bowl of Urban Legend. 
  • RuffinogoldRuffinogold Enthusiast
    Ive got only one Meer . I really love it . Im going to join you with it Sunday late morning . Its in my " pipe cellar " , which is a very large box I keep in a closet . A majority of my pipes are there because i couldnt display them all . I mean I could but I think the wife would be a bit miffed at a wall or two of pipes , lol 
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Didn’t have time for a pipe yesterday so I’m making up for it today. Loaded my sailing ship (carved by Bolgi) with Caribbean Dream. 
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    My second pipe yesterday was a gift from @xDutchx who was a regular contributor on here until he just disappeared. I received this lovely CAO meerschaum from him in January 2018 and the last I heard from him was in March 2018. All I know he was drove an 18-wheeler. 
    I loaded it with Dunhill Apertif and thought about him while smoking it.

  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Come on guys! 

    My first pipe of the night is my favorite blend, The Untouchables, loaded into another Christmas present from my late wife. 
    This is my U.S.Coast Guard meerschaum by Servi.

  • edited March 5
    Dang, forgot about MMM, I just lit and loaded a pipe before dropping in this evening.  I’ll try to step up.
    I really want to see your awesome ship meer and your castle meer again👍🏻🙂

  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    I posted the ship meerschaum earlier. I will get to the lighthouse later this week.

    My second pipe of the night is my gourd Calabash loaded with Dunhill Apertif.  I really need to breakdown and buy a new meerschaum bowl for this junk shop find.

  • edited March 5
    I got the post that you were “sailing” your ship, but there was not a picture to go with it.  After you just left me the heads up, I looked again, and there it was.  I’m not sure why it didn’t show up a minute ago🤔
    Oh yea, Lighthouse, not Castle🙂
    Is your gourd meer bowl damaged?  It looks good in the picture….it’s a “veteran survivor”👍🏻.
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Tonight's first pipe is a Pioneer Meerschaum I found in a box of estate pipes that I cleaned and sold for a lady. 
    I loaded it with Caribbean Dream and had a nice 45 minute smoke.

  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Second pipe of the night.
    This is a Servi Churchwarden I found at a Renfest. Smoking some Rattray's Winter Edition 2019.
  • I have my very old, very heavily smoked, G. Larsen-Lillehammer real amber stemmed, bone screw tenon, Meerschaum, out for MMM.  It’s loaded with some Sutliff D64 “Irish Coffee”.  How much does a meer need to be smoked to get this kind of a patina?  The amber at the bit is chewed about half way through, both top and bottom.  I’m sure it’s original and unbroken, it fits it’s case perfectly.  I have had it for probably ten years, and haven’t smoked it before tonight.  I’m afraid to break it, especially the stem.  It also had kind of a mildewed smell, even after I cleaned it ten years ago.  Sitting in front of my home heat vent on a stereo cabinet for those ten years has seemed to straighten it out, it is smoking beautifully and I can’t discern any ghost of tobaccos past, or whatever the smell was.  I can see why it’s previous “companionier” smoked the hell out of it.  The lighter is an Orlik 1926 (not sure if it’s a date or model number?)

  • edited March 6
    I just did a quick Google on the above Orlik 1926 lighter.  It looks like it is a model number for 1926.  So, maybe made in 1926/27?  It was in my dad’s stuff, may have been my grandfathers, or my dad’s for that matter.
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Nice looking pipe. I have always loved the look of a Cutty or Belge shaped pipe but sadly, I only have one briar Belge and five clay pipes. As soon as I clear out some of my older pipes I may look for another Cutty.
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Actually, I guess I should have placed yesterdays meer on this thread, so here it is:

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited March 6
    Today's meer is one of the best carved facial features I've seen. That's why I can't understand why there are no markings on the pipe at all. And if there was a label in the case, it's not there anymore. 
    Anyway, enjoying some RLP-6 in a meer that only had to be restemmed and waxed after a gentle cleaning:

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Only one meer?
    Just think, since you don't really need to give meers a rest between smokes, you can really put a tan on that puppy between now and the end of the month!
    So use March as your excuse to smoke the heck out of that pipe and keep us informed of the blends you use...

  • @PappyJoe Ropp makes some nice Cutty pipes
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Thursday night pipe. Continuing with March Meerschaum Month, I pulled this one off my display. I found it in a antique/fleamarket in Mississippi for $10. It was unsmoked.

    The first time I smoked it, I noticed cracks at the bottom of the turban and one on the stem going to the first section. 
    I immediately spread some superglue on the cracks and as it cooled down the cracks disappeared.

    Now it just sits on one of my displays but I will pull it down during March to smoke it once or twice. 

    I'll have to take a look at them.
  • edited March 8
    Tonight’s selection.  My first real meerschaum, and one of the first pipes I bought new.

  • I have my Falcon with a meerschaum bowl loaded with some Lane LL-7 this evening.
  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    Took a break from smoking my meerschaum yesterday. I still have two more to smoke before I start my meerschaum rotation again. 
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited March 8
    That bent meer is what I would reference as a simple, yet elegant design. 
    Very nice...

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Doing some Dulce de Leche in a restemmed midsized bent Sultan.
    An internet find I purchased a few years back for next to nothing...

  • PappyJoePappyJoe Master
    I almost forgot the Meerschaum bowl for my Kirsten. When I bought this one, I sent photos of it to Kirsten in Seattle. The replied that it was a "transition" pipe from the 1950s.
    Smoking some The Untouchables

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Been busy. Finally get to relax with some Tinderbox Happy Hour in a KIKO #25 meer prince.
    As you know, these pipes are made from African meerschaum. Not as white as Turkish meerschaum, and they tend to color a little quicker and differently as far as the hue. 
    Still IMHO, it performs as well as Turkish meerschaum...

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Decided after a short break from the last pipe, I actually had time for another.
    Villiger New World Order in a Zouave meer...

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Call it wishful thinking, but I decided to do some Sutliff Taste of SPRING in a noname bakelite stemmed billiard meer.
    The only marking is on the stem, "MADE IN TURKEY"...
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Cold snap here today, but not enough to keep me from a bowl. 
    Doing some McCrannies Cavendish Court in a CAO Cavalier. 

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    Doing some C&D Green River Vanilla in a latticed bent meer I acquired at the STL Pipe Show last month.
    After doing 4 or 5 bowls, I am really happy with the acquisition...

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