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St. Louis Pipe Show 2025

Recieved this info and thought I should share ASAP to give plenty of planning time for those who might be thinking about coming...


  • I am having to get my act together for the show sooner than usual.
    My wifes' brother passed away and they are having a celebration of life service in Florida Jan 25. We will be flying down and will be back with only 6 days before the show.
    Consequently I will try to post a pic(s) of what you can expect to see on my table probably within the next few days... Stay tuned...
  • I decided to take the time and see what I will have for my table.
    The average price for the majority of my pipes will be between 15 and 20 dollars.
    A few 5 to 10, and a few 25 to 45 should make them more than affordable to most.
    I also have a few stands and a self standing cabinet that I converted to hold pipes.
    I presently have 5 more pipes I'll be working on to add to the table.
    Anyway, here's the pic I promised...

  • Upon close inspection, it looks as if for some reason the pic got stretched at the bottom. Why? No clue. 
    But you still get the idea...
  • edited December 2024
    That cabinet looks like a screaming deal to me.  Nice pipe cabinets go for pretty good scratch.  I’d say you’re at about 50%.  If I was there now, I’d snap that up in a heartbeat.  I’ve been looking for similar cabinets to convert.  I haven’t found any used ones, and very few new that are actual wood, and they are expensive.

    That tobacco jar/tray on the lower left is somewhat disturbing, unless I’m just “twisted” and seeing something that’s not🤔. I’m just like “WTH?
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited December 2024
    Usually what I do is figure my initial cost/investment of the pipe, stands, cabinets, etc., and then add a few bucks more to cover supplies used and my time.
    It's just a hobby so all I'm trying to do is get my money back plus a little more to resupply and update my tools to keep me going.
    As far as that strange looking pipe holder on the left, it's actually an antique. "Made in Japan" is glazed on the bottom.
    Took me a while to figure it out, but on the right is the place designated to hold a box of matches. I'm guessing holes in the front and back are there to gain access to the box for striking your match.?.?🤔
    The whole thing is glazed porcelain...
    Being as it's pretty old, I figure someone might want it as pipe memorabilia.?.?
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited February 4
    Just a reminder:
    The show is this Saturday from 9 to 5.
    I'll have around 50 to 55 pipes plus some pipe racks and a pipe storage cabinet.
    I'll be sitting with @mapletop and look forward to seeing him again this year.
    If you're reading this and can make it, please stop by and say hello...
  • In addition, there will be good bourbon and rare blends to sample, hope to see you there..
  • @KA9FFJ and @mapletop wish I could join you guys. Have fun 
  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited February 6
    Scattered showers predicted for Saturday morning, clearing in the afternoon with no freezing in the forecast
    No freezing... in February I'll take that as a blessing.
    Make sure you introduce yourself as you stop by. I look forward to the chit-chat...
    Oh, and earlier I said I have 50-55 pipes. Upon a recount, I think I'm closer to 60...

  • I was too busy to take a lot of pics, but here's a couple of pre show/set up pics:

  • Good to see and talk with Leonard before the doors opened:

  • It was a great time being with @mapletop and his lovely wife through the show. Great company and really good people...

  • Talked at length with the owners of Missouri Meerschaum. They are very personable and pleasant people... down to earth...

  • RuffinogoldRuffinogold Enthusiast
    I would have enjoyed that show . Hanging out with pipes and pipe folk is never a drag 
  • Great venue, even better people, Big shout out to the St Louis Pipe Club for a job Well done and Especially Harry who sets up the event at the Mason's Lodge and coordinates the whole event.
    My thanks to KA9FFJ for being a co-conspirator and his friendship.
    We had a great time (as usual) while KA9FFJ sold pipes and accessories at an impressive pace.
    My Thanks to Leonard for taking the time to speak with me about the current state of things 
    Great guy who is very candid and approachable; hope some of you other members get a chance to meet him sometime, like, say this years Chicago Pipe Show https://www.chicagopipeshow.com/  LOL.
    I enjoy sharing rare and vintage blends with people who don't get access to them or are just new to pipe smoking, this usually elicits my giving lessons on how to properly pack a pipe to the newbies.
    While we had some new pipe smokers this year (which is always great to see), no one asked for any guidance, so sharing a bottle of 1792 bourbon was more the focus.
    Hope you all have a great time watching the Super Bowl, Go KC

  • Made a few acquisitions at the show.
    1st: an SMS meer = needs a little cleaning and a very little chatter taken off the stem. But other than that, a pretty good buy for a flat 35 bucks...

  • 2nd: a good friend at the show gifted me this blend of Dunhill 965. 
    Note the date this blend was jarred... yes... '03!

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited February 10
    3rd: 2 meers with issues that hopefully can be resolved. Rather than the vender pitch them, I'll see what/if I can do anything. No pics yet = coming...
  • 4th: a box of practice stummels gifted to me from @mapletop. Tnx buddy.
    Pics coming...
  • Here are pics of the 2 meers that will need a lot of TLC.
    That top pipe is really weird... it's almost flat! 🤔

  • Here are the stummels @mapletop gifted me. More good projects for the winter:

  • KA9FFJKA9FFJ Master
    edited February 11
    Hey @mapletop
    I forgot to mention that, while getting all my stuff together to leave, I saw this 3.5 oz. blend sitting all by itself on the edge of the table next to us at the end where you were sitting.
    I asked all around and no one claimed it and finally I gave up and threw it in with my stuff.
    Is it yours? If so, I can mail it or whatever. Just let me know brother...

  • mapletopmapletop Master
    edited February 11
    @KA9FFJ I just looked through my bag to see if anything was missing and I think I have everything; however, I am not quite as sharp as once was.
    That said, if you could post a picture that would help.
    And thanks for looking out for me.
  • I posted a pic, but I'll post it again...

  • mapletopmapletop Master
    edited February 14
    @KA9FFJ   Thanks for posting the picture,  That is not my tin.
    Its a Burley, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia blend made for D&R Tobacco by Daughters of Ryan, its pretty strong in the nicotine dept.
    I had it before and its not bad if you like a strong burley.
    If no one claims it and you don't want the clutter I will take it, though it can wait till the 2026 St. Louis show.
    And thanks for looking out for me.

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