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We Pause to Remember

PappyJoePappyJoe Master
edited September 11 in General
Photo: The log kept by the watchstander at Coast Guard Station New York on September 11, 2001 as the events of that day took place.
(Image courtesy of U.S. Coast Guard Station New York)

From December 1985 until June 1989, I was stationed on Governors Island across from the Staten Island Ferry Terminal and Battery Park. It was about a 20 minute walk from the ferry terminal to the Twin Towers. In addition to the storefronts on the ground level, there were two underground levels with shopping as well as a third level which was the subway station.

I retired in New Orleans in 1993. The wife and I would drop one of our daughters off at the University of New Orleans each morning. We had just dropped her off when the report of the first plane hitting was reported on the radio. I immediately looked at my wife and said, "That was not an accident. There are no flight paths for planes that cross that part of New York City." 


  • motie2motie2 Master
    edited September 11

    <<If I were speaking to Jacob right now, I would say, "We've always loved the story of your ladder, with the angels going up and down." (Once, when I was a child, I even dreamed I saw it. I was in a field, and the clouds parted, and there it was. It looked like a long crowded highway. Angels were going up and angels were going down. But it was only a dream.) Five years ago, we were not dreaming, and we saw it. We saw the ladder -- its silver poles and rungs of glass -- and we saw the angels falling down. And they were so fast and fleeting. And they were so beautiful and terrible. And we saw in a cloud of smoke and ash, thousands of angels ascending, rising up to heaven. And if I could, I would ask Jacob if he wishes he could forget the vision of his ladder, the  way we wish we could forget ours. >>


    because of nothing they ever did, because of hatred they never knew, because of nobody they ever touched ...... 

    ...... turned suddenly to dust  on a perfect September morning  


    Our God and God of our ancestors, may this day of remembrance renew our dedication to the ideals and institutions which are the strength of America. 

    On this anniversary of 9-11, may the souls of all the innocent victims be ever-blessed and granted eternal peace. 

    May their loved ones and friends be comforted by their memory. 

    May all our citizens, at home and abroad, be returned to lives of peace and safety. 

    And may Thy blessing of peace rest on all who call themselves Your children. 

    Accept with mercy our prayer: God Bless America

  • @motie2;
    I didn't personally know any of the plane passengers or Firefighters that died on 9/11. Fire Fighting is a brotherhood and I still get tears in my eyes every year when I hear the tributes and attend the remembrances.
  • @opipeman
    Many of New York’s Bravest gave their last full measure of devotion that day. God bless their souls.
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