Is sipping really better
in Tobacco Talk
So I have tried sipping my pipe and it taste great. However, there is not much of a difference for me. The visual aspect of the smoke is a big part of my smoking experience and sipping takes that away. Just wondering how y'all feel about this?
For me it depends on the pipe and the Tobac. Moisture of the Tobac is another consideration.
Also, from Muttnchop Piper:
Muttnchop piper videos is one of the reasons I can smoke a pipe!
I just started smoking orlike golden slice and that tobacco has been my most successful sipping smoke so far. Would you advise letting that out to dry for a while after braking it apart? I get too excited and do the ole fold and stuff.
Sorry to take so long to respond. I bought a new computer which has taken me from Windows 7 to Windows 11. I haven't mastered much more than turning it on and off. It's like trying to learn a new language. At any rate, to your question. I've never tried Orlike Golden Slice, but my approach to moisture content in to experiment with a couple of bowls, cut them out and check to see if drying helps or if hydrating helps. My palate isn't as educated as some of our brothers, but trial and error has always worked for me. My problem is as soon as I pop a tin, I want to burn a bowl. Drying out always seems to occur to me if I can't keep it lit.
Good sipping!
I'm very impatient and always doing something, so I simply don't have my pipe in my mouth or in my hands long enough to 'sip' it. I normally can go through an entire (average sized) bowl in less than 20 minutes. To me, smoking a pipe is more "gratifying" than it is "pleasurable", if that makes any sense, so turning it into an 'art' isn't my thing--although, to each their own, I don't fault people for doing it, it's just not my thing.
That's an interesting way to look at it. I feel that way when finish one of my giant pipes because my tongue gets tired. I don't have much time so when I do get the chance to smoke I like to sit down and really enjoy it. It usually takes me about an hour or so.
How do you keep it lit when you are focusing on other things?
I don't claim to always sip, but when I'm relaxed and really enjoying a bowl, it seems to enhance the experience.
That's what it's all about for me! My corn cob is the only pipe that sipping is comfortable (holding it my mouth and being able to keep it lit). Maybe my other pipes just suck. That cob is my favorite.
I don't, I just set it aside and relight it when I'm ready to puff on it again.
You forgot put what you said into it's proper context...
I have two cobs and they are my least favorites. Being from Missouri, I wished I liked a cob, but I just can't. Maybe I've lived in Iowa too long.
I pray that you heal up soon, Brother.
Maybe I haven't truly been piped by a briar!
Thanks man! It sucks for sure, but it is what it is. I need to heal this shit up...supposedly, esophageal erosion is the number one cause of esophageal cancer.
”Masterbation” indeed.
When you say masterbating, are you talking about fishing. Either way, whats that got to do with pipe smoking?
Enhanced Pipe-Smoking Flavor and Comfort with Breath Smoking