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Pipe Smokers In The Wild

While I rarely see another pipe smoker out in public (not counting a pipe club meeting as being "out in public") but usually I've seen one at least once a month. Just last month while out shopping, I saw a gentleman sitting on a bench at the outdoor mall smoking a pipe. When I came out of the store he was driving by in his vintage Oldsmobile and had to stop when I was in the crosswalk. I noticed he had a two pipe rack mounted on his dashboard with pipes in them.

If take a pipe and tobacco with me when I take the wife to the fabric store and will sit and smoke my pipe while she is in the store. This has garnered a few comments from people walking past and most have been of the "that's smell reminds me of my grandfather" type comment. Then there are the idiots who start coughing 50 feet away from me. Those I either just ignore or seek to blow the biggest cloud of smoke I can. 

At home, I like to sit under the red maple tree in the front yard in the afternoon and enjoy a pipe or two. I am in full view of people driving, walking or jogging by. I've done for so long, some of the people will even wave at me. 


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