Tasting Peterson Night Cap
Maybe it's just me but I am having a hard time tasting Peterson Night Cap. It just tastes like smoke. From the 5 different blend I have tried so far this is the only one I am struggling with. Any advice?
Anything with Perique in it, you should just throw away or give it to Goodwill
There is nothing wrong with a judicious amount of Perique in a blend.
That's why I felt fuzzy. I didn't realize there was so much "vitamin N" in it.
Wow that's a long time to keep a tobacco in production. I guess a lot of people love it, unlike @vtgrad2003
I didn't hate it but to me it didn't live up to the hype. I'll keep it in the jar for a while and see if it gets better like you said @mapletop
Wimp my ass
Perique tastes like an alligator shit it out, then a nutria ate it, shit it out again...then someone picks it up, puts it in a barrel and hopes for the best!
That said, I will defend your right to smoke it!
Shows what you know. It’s Mississippi River water and it’s cured and aged in whiskey barrels. And you have it backwards. The possums eat it first and then shits it out. Then once the seeds start sprouting, the nutria eat it. The alligators just eat the nutria.
If course I like it. I’m part hillbilly, part redneck, part big city boy (for Montana😉). Born in Miles City, in what once was and still is, a sheep town, with the best range sheep anywhere. Heck, they even had “Sheep Week”, maybe still do. Also the premier “Bucking Horse Sale and Rodeo” in the country, probably the world, it’s one heck of a party.
By the way, do you know the most common lie told by sheepmen in Montana?
”I was only helping that sheep over the fence.”😳😂😂😂
As has been said many times.
about Miles City, Montana. “Where the men are men, and the sheep are scared”.