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Tinned Bags

What is your advice for storing blends that come in a non-air tight tin and are in bags? Many blends come this way and I was courious as to how you store them.


  • Jar it. I don't smoke anything fast enough to go through a container of any sort before it starts to dry out, so everything gets transferred to jars.
  • If the bag is unopened, it should be good for a year or two. I have several tins like that and I haven't broken the seal on the bag itself. After I open the bag, I will jar it unless I decide to smoke it before it dries out.
  • As usual I follow the advice of @pappyjoe and do likewise
  • daveinlaxdaveinlax Connoisseur
    edited August 2016
    I've heard Mylar is as good as a tin for long term storage. I have lots of Mylar bags of Compton's, Esoterica and decorative tins with Mylar bags in the davecave (I have Larsen bags in decorative tins that I will never smoke that I bought about 25 years ago).

     I opened a early gen bag with the generic label with the black lettering of Esoterica that must of been 15 or more years old and it was perfect. I suppose if you are worried you could stuff the bag in a jar but I wouldn't open the bag first. 
  • I believe jars are best as well. I do have an interesting side thought.

    I have known people who vacuum sealed tobacco. If you want to jar your tobacco for aging you could vacuum seal several small samples to test before you break into your jar... Just to see how it is coming along.
  • mhajecmhajec Enthusiast
    Im with the majority here, again. I usually jar my tobacco. Although I have thought that there are better ways to store for long-term storage, I have yet to find the ultimate answer
  • @subtilis87 - I have been told that vacuum sealing is not good if you want to age the tobacco. For proper aging, there has to be some air in the jar or tin and you don't get that when you vacuum seal because it pulls all the air out of the bag.
  • @PappyJoe. That is interesting, I had not really thought of the small amount of oxygen in the jar being important. I had considered aging more of an anaerobic thing. But now that I think about it the vacuum seal would bring the tobacco to an anaerobic state much faster than jars and would also compress the tobacco. At the very least vacuum sealed samples would age very differently than the tobacco stored in a jar. Great point sir!
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