Pipes and Literature
in General
Books and pipes seem to go together. A while back I took a trip to Salinas, California for a stop at the John Steinbeck museum. Steinbeck isn't necessarily my favorite author, but his book EAST OF EDEN is one of my favorite novels. I wasn't a lifelong reader but started in my early 30s and it was the book that really got me going, so it stays close to the heart. I've read much of his other work since but none of it moved me like EOE did. I thought I'd share some pics of my time there in Salinas. I took Bing along with me (my favorite pipe). The RV/truck is the one he drove around America and later wrote about in TRAVELS WITH CHARLEY, which is pretty much the ultimate road-trip book.
What are some of your favorite books and writers?

Don't put yourself down. There are many ways to get "edumacated". We haven't met and all I know of you is what you write and post on TPL. Based on just that you are one of the smartest young men I know. A PHD from living your life is more valuable and centered in the real world than a bunch of degrees hanging on your wall. Besides, you need that wall space to hang your pipes.
That is fantastic. Take it from a pretend educator/college professor. I like to learn in many forms/ways and it has a power it gives you like nothing else can.
Even better, nobody can ever steal your knowledge or control it.
Yes, yes, it's old hat by now, you've heard all about it. Cigars are hip (ho-hum). They're sexy (so what else is new?). There are magazines and radio shows and even a Marxist dictator dedicated to cigar smoking (tell us something we don't know). Yet buried beneath the ballyhoo is a story that has largely gone unnoticed: the incredible disappearing pipe smoker.
As I've mentioned before, I'm the only one I know.
Sorry man. 😥
The Transformative Mixture
There was the blender, the tobacconist, and the friend.
Wrong folder. Sorry.
The Old Tobacco Shop
A True Account of What Befell a Little Boy in Search of Adventure
By William Bowen
(pdf attached)