Pipes and Fitness
in General
Pipe smoking is great for our mental health, but we need to take care of our physical health as well. If my TPL brothers and sisters have any workouts that might behoove the group please share.
Currently that is all I do as well. Occasionally I trade the whiskey for ice cream.
its the ice cream that’s going to do you in.
I know I'm going to have a heart attack before I can taste all the delicious tobaccos. That's why I need to start exercising its not for my health it's for the tobacco.
are you talking about bags and tins of tobacco?
Do you have a schedule for your weekly workouts? Legs on Monday upper body on Tuesday kinda thing?
A good walk at lunch sounds nice.
Hello! My setup is pretty simple: a bench, a rack of dumbbells (the heaviest weight 30 lbs., but you’d be surprised how much 30 lbs. can humble you), and a pull-up bar. I do the same stuff everyday: stretches, dumbbell bench press, some variation of curls, and time on the pull-up bar (talk about a way to humble a man…). Sometimes I’ll do some squats with dumbbells or just my body weight. Nothing too strenuous: again, I won’t stick with that.
No it was one of my jersey numbers when I played football back in the day. I was born in the 90's.
I remember a lot of work outs from my football days, but the gyms around here are packed all the time and it is hard to get to the free weights.
YMMV but I would really never go to a gym. The time commitment/hassle to get there would be enough to spell failure for me. The older I get the more I know what is sustainable. You could go along way at home with a pull-up bar, some kettlebells, sand bags, and basic weights. All of this costs way less in the long run than a gym membership. My motto for most things in life: Find what works and stick with it.
Yeah I hate paying so much for a gym that I can barely use. I think I might go on cragslist/facebook marketplace and pick out some weights. I have this weird staircase at my house that is perfect for pull ups.
M W F = upper body
T Th = lower body
Abs = all 5 days.
Went to college on a pole vaulting scholarship before I went into the Marine Corps.
About 15 years ago I went to lighter reps, all body workouts 2 - 3 days a week depending on my schedule.
Spring, summer and fall months I also play golf, mow my own yard with a push mower, and tend my garden.
Winter months I play indoor Pickle Ball twice a week.
At 74 I can say I'm blessed with a body that let's me do way more than most at my age.
I also try to eat healthy (90% of the time), and take vitamin supplements to boost my immune system and help fight vitamin depletion.
But then, as someone has already said, I do it all to give me more time to try more tobaccos...😏
When I was working I also rode my bike to work. It was only two miles one way, and some of my friends said that it wasn't much exercise. Most of the critics hadn't been on a bicycle since they were kids.
I need a wife to drag me kicking and screaming to the gym. Oh well, hopefully the reduced stress of not being married will offset some of the exercise.
I need to move closer to work. I miss my bike. Just ordered a new chain and handle bar tape!
Out of curiosity and if you don’t mind my asking, about how old are you, or should I say young? Is the ‘74’ a hint? As in ‘1974, as about 48?
No I'm not 48, the 74 was just a number I picked when making my gmail account. I'm 25.
yeah I hung the bike up after I got hit by a car lol. I was fine for the most part but the bike... not so much.
I wish I could remember when I was 25😬
I bounced a Harley Road Glide off of a semi-truck a few years ago after he rolled a stop sign and pulled out in front of me (ouch). A year later after the Harley was rebuilt all bright shiny and almost new again, some AHole in a Buick Rendezvous ran a stop sign and pulled out in front of me. I braked and I slid into him (big ouchie). He did not stop, and would have crushed my head under his tire had I not been conscious and held my head up out of the way-I really should have beat his ass. That crash kept me from working and driving a clutch for a few days…or sleeping in a bed. I had the Harley rebuilt again, but I’m kinda chicken about getting back on. I have rode it some, but not as much as I had been….kinda sucks.