Lingering Smell of Pipe and Cigar Smoke
Like a lot of us, I started out as a cigar smoker. I still love cigars, but the pipe has recently won my heart for many reasons. The one I want to talk about today is the amount of time the smell of pipe tobacco smoke lingers compared to the smell of cigar smoke. I can smoke my pipe and my wife barely notices. However, when I smoke a cigar she likes for me to take a shower as soon as I come inside. I was just wondering why that is and if anyone can explain. Have a wonderful day!
I have no clue, especially considering that a pipe can last for over an hour.
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I smoke my pipe in my truck all the time and when my wife isn't watching I'll have a bowl in her car while running errands and it never lingers. I smoked a cigar in my truck once years ago after a round of golf and it stunk for days. Like Pappyjoe, I have no idea why. My bride has never told me to take a shower, but she has told me I stink on occasion. Sometimes, I hadn't even smoked a cigar.
I am a bit picky about the way my car smells, but I smoke in my old VW that was my grandfather's on occasion. Smoking a pipe in an older car just feels special. My daily is off limits no matter how much I'm tempted. I guess cigar smoke is more concentrated than a pipe's. The nerd inside me wants to find out the scientific reason behind it.
Some things just defy scientific reason; like the female mind, why a car breaks down right after the warranty runs out, why there is always a witness when you fall down, why those produce plastic bags are so hard to open.
You want to know stink? Try a candela wrapped cigar, the Baccarat’s I have, I smoked one in my insulated 28’x35’ shop with a 12’ ceiling once….once… stunk up the whole shop for several days even after opening the overheads while backing my vehicles out🫢
By the way Nub Cigars are brutal that way also, I’ll never buy another.
Iforgot cigar leaves are fermented! All that extra juiciness is sticking to our clothes.
I agree.