Home Pipes & Tools

Favorites, Neutrals, Rarely and Nevers

I've been dusting and polishing my collection lately and I found that I have 3 groups that most of my pipes fall into.

First is my favorites, the ones that come to hand like old friends, that you most often choose them to smoke. Those are 20% of the total.

Second are the ones you pick up and think "Long time, why not?" 35%

Third, the rarely or never group, These are the ones that for one or another reason are pipes that are Collectors Items
 that are too delicate to smoke, you save them to try out new tobaccos, they're not comfortable, are just too big or small, etc.. 25%

Almost all of my pipes are 1/4 or 1/8 bent with full bent or straight in the minority. 

Anyone else find these numbers like these?


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