A pass?

With all this talk about tobaccos that have piqued my interest lately, how many of us would maybe be interested in some sort of tobacco pass? We could come up with a set of rules, ie: possibly but not limited to, a dollar limit or including/excluding cigars or including coffee/tea, or spirits and the like. Maybe even have two or three threads dedicated to something like this, a high roller thread for those of us with generous hearts and wallets, a middle class thread for those of us not so wallet-ly endowed, a poor man's for those of us maybe on fixed incomes or really crappy pay. You know, something for everyone, but not to make others feel bad we keep them seperate so people don't have to feel like they need to send 5lbs of tobacco with cat poop coffee and a bottle of Johnny Walker Platinum (which is way smoother than the blue label and less expensive FYI).
I used to belong to a cigar board that did this sort of thing. Anyway, just throwing the feelers out there. I have no set plan personally, so if there is interest we can all collaborate together.