Missouri Meerschaum Ozark

I picked up a Missouri Meerschaum Ozark and noticed the stain on the inside of the bowl. I haven't smoked it yet but am curious if any one has experience if it distorts the taste of the tobacco until it burns off. Should I sand it off before smoking?
Sadly, Missouri Meerschaum's quality control has gone down the tubes in the past few years, with the worst offenses I've ever seen appearing in the past year.
I won't buy MM from their site anymore, because the QC is so poor. I think about a third or half of what they are shipping now are pipes I would sell as seconds. I am a huge MM fan, too, and I have a whole drawer full of MM cobs... I have started sanding, patching, and refinishing my old cobs rather than replace them with new MM cobs.
NOTE: They sell bags of seconds on the cheap. I have considered buying such a grab bag since their showcase pipes are pretty much seconds now, but I'm afraid that their 'seconds' will be more like thirds or fourths now and will go straight into the trash can.
I know a couple years ago they lost a ton of their crop of heirloom corn, so I am hoping that the QC issues will go away once they catch back up with demand, but for now I want to put my hands on a cob before I will buy it. Someone may say, "But it is only a cob!" Yeah, but smelly stain coating the upper half of the bowl makes a pipe pretty much unsmokeable (for health reasons, if no other) until you fix it, and who wants to buy a brand new pipe of any kind and have to refurbish it? Here's hoping it is a seasonal problem.