Home remedies for burnt tongue
in General
Looking for a home remedy to hurry the healing of a burnt tongue. Any suggestions?
You should put TONGUE BITE into the site’s search function, for many suggestions.😀
No, not Google.
The TPL search function.
The first two pages come up with articles about "biting your tongue" and medical advice how to prevent it.
Which actually surprised me....
Two videos on youtube...
This always works...but you have to wait until spring before you can smoke again
I found this interesting. http://www.gubbelspipes.com/en/skills/tips-and-trics
<<Some say that tongue burn is a response to the pH-level of the smoke in the mouth. Sometimes this pH-level can be higher than the mouth and tongue are used to. Some tobacco produces a more alkaline smoke and this results in a burning feeling. Tobacco producers try to even the pH-level by adding sugars to the sauces. If the pH-level of the smoke is too high and tongue burn has happened some find drinking fruit juices is the ultimate cure. The best solution would be to reduce the risk of tongue burn by buying better tobacco, smoke slower or increase your knowledge on pipe smoking.>>