Memories and nostalgia
in Tobacco Talk
So I’ve been a pipe smoker for over 20 years and have sampled hundreds of tobaccos from the drug store brands such as Borkum Riff, Captain Black and Sir Walter Raleigh to the more expensive and exclusive blends like Erinmore, Mac Baren’s Mixture and Sobranie. Recently I started smoking Sir Walter Raleigh again. It brought back a memory of my paternal grandfather, one of the only memories I have, as after my mother and father divorced when I was around two, I didn’t see him much any more. He smoked Sir Walter Raleigh. I remember the distinct foil pouch in red and blue. While some may turn their nose up at the idea of buying pipe tobacco over the counter at a local drug store, I can recall some older tv shows in which a man walked into a store and asked for a pouch or tin of pipe tobacco. And after a moment or two of smoking it, memories return to me of the smell when sitting in my grandfathers lap. The smoke is smooth to me, and the aroma brings a sort of calm and peace to my mind. Anyone else have similar thoughts and experiences?
I can relate to this. My grandfather was a pipe smoker and he only smoked George Washington until the stopped making it around 1974. I jumped at the chance to acquire a factory sealed 14 oz. tin of George Washington about three years ago. It was still fresh and moist and a good smoke. I jarred it and still have about seven ounces of it left. If I smoked it on a regular basis it would be gone by now. It's a burley based blend with a light molasses topping for those interested.
The story I've heard from some more knowledgeable old pipe smokers was that R.J. Reynolds was reducing the number of tobacco blends it produced back in the 70s and somewhere in the process it came down to a decision whether to keep George Washington in production or another famous "drug store" blend named Price Albert. We know which blend they kept.
As for people "turning up their noses" at some of the old blends, in my opinion, a lot of that is because of what they read on the internet and what they learn talking to people working in pipe shops. They have the mentality of, "I don't want to smoke a blend so bad they had to sell it in drug stores." They are wrong. The old codger or drugstore blends have been around for a long time and they still sell. That means they are not bad blends.
I bet if people would really look, they would find there are popular blends today that are very similar to some of the old blends.
I can still remember thinking to myself as a kid, the way to smoke is a pipe. It just looked right and smelled right.
Anyway, little flickers of those memories still happen from time to time while enjoying a bowl, along with remembering a simpler and more peaceful time...
Put me down as a Captain Black Fan. Through the years, I've probably smoked more CB than any other single tobac.
According to YouTube, "There were 4 one hour videos produced on Dick Proenneke's life up at Twin Lakes. For more than 30 years a man by the name of Dick Proenneke lived alone in the Alaskan Bush. His only neighbors were the wolves and grizzly bears."
I just happen to notice his pipe tobacco in one of the scenes, I found this interesting.
This is taken from "Dick Proenneke in The Frozen North"