Desert Island Blends
in Tobacco Talk
Just wanted to throw out the question to everyone to get some ideas for future blends to try.
What would be the 3 blends you would choose if you were stuck on a desert island?
Apricots & Cream( just in case there is someone else on the island with me).
C&D's Exhausted Rooster
GH's Ennerdale Flake
C&D's Morley's Best
Alan Moore's Jerusalem
The complete works of Philip K. Dick, Patrick Rothfuss, John Ringo, Stephan Donaldson, Tom Robbins, and the OT
Jonah's Curse Black Spiced Rum
Weihenstephanar Weissbier
Cafe Verona or Bustelo
(solar power ala @ghostsofpompeii)
Internet radio (then I don't need my CD's)
and of course,
2. Motto Dolce
3. Hunting Creek (Country Squire)