Blend Recipes

in Tobacco Talk
Hey guys, I've read several of your blend recipes in these forums over the years (e.g. Mrs. Hudson's) and wanted to start a thread to capture some of your favorites. So please share blend recipes that you've created or discovered so we all can enjoy them.
Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Street Blend
Sherlock Holmes probably smoked a strong English blend. Naming a sweet aromatic after him would be inappropriate and ungentlemanly. The name Mrs. Hudson’s is a reference to Sherlock Holmes' landlady.
Mrs. Hudson’s is made from Sutliff bulk tobaccos, sold by the ounce, and blended together as follows:
Three parts (or 3 oz.) Sutliff Vanilla Custard
Two parts (or 2 oz.) Sutliff Chocolate Mousse
One part (or 1 oz.) Sutliff Crème Brulee
Some folks prefer to substitute one part (or 1 oz.) Sutliff Private Stock Molto Dolce (tin) for the very similar bulk Creme Brûlée.
Historical note: The original recipe called for “….a pinch or two of Sutliff Irish Creme.” @Ghostsofpompeii says it could be omitted without harming the blend.
Mrs. Hudson's 221B Bakery Street Blend — easy to light and keep lit, great taste, excellent room note; no bite, no goop, and no negative ghosting.
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Maybe some “Colace” would have helped…..the commercials say it helps with pushing things out😬