Wearing a mask, while smoking a pipe
in The Lounge
Over the last two monthly pipe club meetings, I have been experimenting on how to comply with the COVID recommendations, while smoking my pipe. My first attempt was with a cloth mask, my wife made. This style is similar to the horrid paper / rubber band masks, but it is much more comfortable and ties on behind my head. She selected a piece of cloth that had dancing frogs on it. While, I think it adds to my dignity level, it was very bothersome to keep slipping the pipe under the mask to take another puff.
Last week, I tried using a bandana for a mask. I also used an Oom Paul pipe, since this would allow the pipe to be in my mouth and have my face largely covered. I was having great success with this technique, for a while. Then I discovered that I was becoming increasingly lightheaded. Apparently, the smoke was trapped inside my bandana.
So far, I am not content with the new smoking experience. If anyone has better suggestion, please let me know.
I'm glad I don't live elsewhere, pretty lenient here, otherwise I am sure I would be in an "altercation".
I don’t foresee these restrictions ever being lifted. There are viruses everywhere, all the time, if masks are truly effective, the mandate will never be lifted as people will be expected to wear a mask for the safety of others at all times. I think the times they are headed in a very disturbing direction. People complied too easily to the mask mandates, what’s next? We might as well be in North Korea. Why is it my responsibility to keep others safe? People should take responsibility for their own actions and keep themselves safe. I do not want to live in fear of something that may never come to fruition. It’s more dangerous to jump in an automobile and get hurt or killed than maybe getting Covid19 and possibly die that way, did they mandate handing over car keys anywhere...nope.
Sorry if I offended anyone, just my opinion.
Mine would be "disturbing".
My suggestion wouldn't be acceptable in polite society.
Stupidity is third.
You do know there is a helium shortage on Earth though?
Helium is the second lightest element in the known universe. It is also the second most abundant. According to some estimates helium accounts for as much as 24 percent of the Universe’s mass. This element is also plentiful since it is a prime product of fusion nuclear reactions involving hydrogen. So if it is so plentiful where is Helium found?
The problem is that just because an element is common in the universe at large does not mean that it is common on Earth. Helium is an element that fits this scenario. Helium only accounts for 0.00052% of the Earth’s atmosphere and the majority of the helium harvested comes from beneath the ground being extracted from minerals or tapped gas deposits. This makes it one of the rarest elements of any form on the planet.
The good news, on the other hand, is that the recent shortage scare about helium was actually created by the government sell-off of the helium stockpile and the increase in demand for helium in the scientific community. Scientist would actually be happy if the government banned the use of helium for non-scientific purposes.
I would be ok with this in the name of science of course