Nicotine vs. COVID-19

in Tobacco Talk
Several studies are suggesting that nicotine may prevent people from getting COVID-19. So load up your bowl with Nightcap or a heavy burley blend and enjoy!!
Everyday there is more and more about this that makes zero sense.
Can't smoke a pipe with a mask either.
Hope all goes well for your granddaughter! I had my first guitar lesson since mid march last week. The amazing thing is that I actually remembered some of the chords. (Did I mention I hadn't practiced all that time. I preferred to smoke my pipe)
While it's the nicotine that gets demonized for being addictive, I've always felt that it was all the additive chemicals used in cigarette production that increased the risk of cancer. That's why the first Surgeon General's report on smoking showed cigar and pipe smoking risks to be almost as low as non-smokers.
I've been more worried about what the affect of the pandemic and self-quarantine had on my health rather than getting the actual virus. Since early April, I have been stuck at home and that means less active. I get bored and when I get bored I snack and eat more. (I do have a very good treadmill, but I have to force myself to use it once a week to walk a mile.)
Since the pandemic started my fasting blood sugar has been between 10-15 points higher than the previous six months and I have gained 13 lbs. For awhile, I was eating more than I should and snacking on cake, pie and other things a healthy diabetic shouldn't. That and going from one or two alcoholic drinks a week to one or two a day.
For the past month, I've been fighting the over snacking by loading a pipe. Where I used to be a one pipe a day smoker, I'm now smoking up to 4 pipes a day. I also cut back on the alcoholic intake. My weight has slowly started coming back off.
I represent your remarks, Sir!
The problem with Type II Diabetes is that some of the medicine makes you retain water and/or gain weight. Then you find a combination of medicines that work and the insurance and/or Medi(don't)care decides they don't want you using that particular medication and the one they want you to use doesn't work as well.
I was down to about 196 in January and got back up to 213 at the beginning of July. I'm back down to 209 as of this morning.
Glad to hear your cardiologist is sensible and that your ticker is running good.
My GP knows I smoke a pipe and occasional cigar. At first his nurse would put light smoker on my bi-annual checkup. Now she doesn't even bother.
Initially, I didn't care about Covid. Then I remembered that over the years, I have taken my wife to ER for oxygen, when she was really sick, three times. My daughter has only have this treatment once.
I have had Type II Diabetes for several years and used a low carb diet to go from 205 down to 156. A few more pounds and I'll weigh what I did in high school 145. Back then I could run the hundred in 10.4 seconds. I'm guessing I won't be able to do that anymore. Unfortunately, a lot of my weight loss has been muscle mass. I used to be pretty, now I'm a bald, skinny, crippled up, grumpy old man. I now have type I Diabetes and start insulin shots this week. I'm listed as a non-smoker, most health professionals I've dealt with can reason through pipe smoking. Getting old just makes me want to kick somebody's ass, but I can't, I'm no longer stout enough.
My suit size would be more portly gnome, although I have never owned a suit. The closest I got was a corduroy casual coat. I think I wore it once, or twice maybe? I have wore a tie a few times too.
I was waxing nostalgic. I have not worn a suit since I retired, seven years ago.