Oh My God ... My Lane Limited "Wild Hare" Is Discontinued!!!
in General
I've been a pipe smoker for over 50 years, yet I've remained a steadfast aromatic smoker throughout those decades, never graduating to the adult table. I've tried non-aromatics, but just don't enjoy them. Apparently I have an insatiable sweet tooth that can't be satisfied by straight Virginia, Va-Per, or English blends. They don't cut it for me. But thankfully there are aromatics abound. But today my world came tumbling down as I was preparing to make a small order at Pipes&Cigars, which was to include one of my favorite blends - Lane Limited "Wild Hare". To my horror the blend has been discontinued. In a blind panic I began searching all the on-line tobacco stores I frequent ... and discovered the same thing everywhere I looked. Son-of-a-bitch ... no more "Wild Hare"!
I'm currently experiencing the same sense of loss the adults and sophisticated smokers felt when the Frog Morton series and Dunhill blends suffered a similar fate. There is no joy tonight at the aromatic kiddie's table as I sit puffing away at one of my last remaining tins. This can no longer be my 'go to' blend, as I'll have to dole it out in small doses to make it last.
Lane Limited has set my "Wild Hare" free to hop and romp through the meadows and thicket, leaving me to cherish every remaining bowl as if it were my last ... which it soon will be.
Damn, I almost feel as sad as the day my dog died.
I to have felt the pain of enjoying a blend and then having it just go away.
If I might make a suggestion or two, try the Bjarne Viking blend, Erik the Red. Admittedly it does have a cherry flavor in addition to the vanilla, but it's pretty good.
Erik Stokkebye's 4th Generation 1957 was also a good vanilla blend when I smoked two tins of it.
Lane Limited Vanilla Black Cavendish is a very good vanilla bulk blend.
Guess I am glad I did not procure any then...slightly charred toasted marshmallow...icky. Better yet, I don't have to look for any.
Have you tried Russ's "Candy Corn"? It is marshmallowesque, maybe not the charred/toasted part though. I don't recall, it's been awhile since I tried it. I got it as a free add-on from P&C back before the "deeming rules" when they could do such things.