Has any tried the tobacco names after Lord of the Rings material- like a shortcut to mushrooms, bag end, old toby? any good? i plan on buying some and was wondering.
It was first grown in the Shire by Tobold Hornblower in Longbottom around SR 1070 (the year 2670 of the Third Age). Despite its foreign origins, the Hobbits were the first to use it for smoking. Pipe-weed production became a major industry in the Shire, especially in the south.
The same plant was known among the Dúnedain as sweet galenas for its fragrance. In Gondor, it was known as Westman's-weed, and grew there as a wild plant, appreciated most for its sweet-scented flowers. The colloquial name was in reference to its origins: it was apparently brought to Middle-earth by Númenóreans in the Second Age.
The WizardGandalf learned to smoke pipe-weed from the Hobbits and was known to blow elaborate smoke-rings. Saruman initially derided him for this, but at some point took up smoking himself. After the destruction of Isengard, pipe-weed was found among its stores, but the hobbits Merry and Pippin failed to realized the sinister implications of the discovery of Saruman's commerce with the Shire.
@motie2 one of my favorite parts of the LOTR books is when merry and pippen are found in the ruins of sarumans tower smoking away the time. Then they find a spare pipe for gimli to smoke and talk with. There is nothing as good as smoking with old friends and comrades.
@Zouave I also claim that scene in the book as one of my favorites. I try to read LOTR once every year to year and a half. Just finished watching the trilogy here at home 2 weeks ago... But alas, I don't have any LOTR based pipe weed to show for my enthusiasm... I blame myself 😕
@KA9FFJ I am reading through the books with my son now. It's interesting to see how he discovers it. He hasn't seen the movies so it's all new for him. And I have been meaning to place an order from the country squire for some figgy pudding, and some Shire blends. I haven't tried any yet from there so I'm looking forward to it!
All of The Country Squire’s LotR-inspired blends are good; I’m of the opinion that Jon David could not make a bad blend if his life depended upon it.
Sadly the best of those blends was discontinued a while back. I cannot remember the name of it for the life of me at the moment although I’m 90% sure that it was Longbottom Leaf, but it tasted like you were smoking a German Chocolate Cake. He had to stop making the blend because he was no longer able to get one of the most important ingredients for it and still has not found a replacement.
No matter which of the blends you try none will be a disappointment as they’re all good. He now has a six one-ounce sampler on his site for $30.
I’ve tried multiple of Country Squire’s blends. You won’t be disappointed. Bag End is a fickle smoke, but once you figure it out it is the gift that keeps on giving.
<<When Hobbits first began to smoke is not known, all the legends and family histories take it for granted; for ages folk in the Shire smoked various herbs, some fouler, some sweeter. But all accounts agree that Tobold Hornblower of Longbottom in the Southfarthing first grew the true pipe-weed in his gardens in the days of Isengrim the Second, about the year 1070 of Shire-reckoning. The best home-grown still comes from that district, especially the varieties now known as Longbottom Leaf, Old Toby, and Southern Star. >>
Although I would love to see more interpretations of LOTR, I understand and agree. At least Jackson had the right idea to get permissions before tackling the trilogy...
Backgrounder, courtesy of https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Pipe-weed
Pipe-weed was a plant of Middle-earth, in particular grown and enjoyed much by the Hobbits of the Shire, to whom it was first introduced by Tobold Hornblower.
It was first grown in the Shire by Tobold Hornblower in Longbottom around SR 1070 (the year 2670 of the Third Age). Despite its foreign origins, the Hobbits were the first to use it for smoking. Pipe-weed production became a major industry in the Shire, especially in the south.
The same plant was known among the Dúnedain as sweet galenas for its fragrance. In Gondor, it was known as Westman's-weed, and grew there as a wild plant, appreciated most for its sweet-scented flowers. The colloquial name was in reference to its origins: it was apparently brought to Middle-earth by Númenóreans in the Second Age.
Popular Hobbit varieties of pipe-weed soon included Longbottom Leaf, Old Toby (named after Tobold Hornblower and revered by Bilbo Baggins), Southern Star, and Southlinch, which was grown in Bree.
The Wizard Gandalf learned to smoke pipe-weed from the Hobbits and was known to blow elaborate smoke-rings. Saruman initially derided him for this, but at some point took up smoking himself. After the destruction of Isengard, pipe-weed was found among its stores, but the hobbits Merry and Pippin failed to realized the sinister implications of the discovery of Saruman's commerce with the Shire.
I can attest to Vauen "The Shire" being a very tasty aromatic, if you like fruity aromatics...I know I do.
I try to read LOTR once every year to year and a half. Just finished watching the trilogy here at home 2 weeks ago...
But alas, I don't have any LOTR based pipe weed to show for my enthusiasm...
I blame myself 😕
Tolkien and tobacco ... with Auenland the Shire Evening Mixture by VAUEN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmyR60whxRwPipesmoking in the LOTR Trilogy
A compilation of all the pipe-smoking scenes in the extended Lord of the Rings Trilogy.Smoking A Pipe In The Hobbit Films
https://www.tobaccopipes.com/blog/smoking-a-pipe-in-the-hobbit-films/I represent that remark!
Also, they don’t come with an EA Carey stamp.
Tolkien Estate Wins Court Order to Destroy Fan’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ Sequel
At least Jackson had the right idea to get permissions before tackling the trilogy...