Pipe Clubs
Even though we're not an official pipe club I have a group of buddies (mostly from church and my Army unit) who meet at my place from time to time. We had a great time last night. If you have club/group of guys you meet with let's talk about it here. Please post your pics too.

I am the current president of the New Orleans Pipe Club. We meet on the second Thursday of each month. We average around 15 members per month showing up for the meeting.
I don't even have a dog anymore. Scrat (cat) joins me sometimes though.
Even if some of you get together once a quarter, you can call yourself a club.
We had 7 pipe smokers at our Army social at summer camp (annual training). Great group of guys!
Sometimes -- oftentimes -- I'll be sitting on the rear deck, smoking one of my insane frankenblends-pro-tem, and I'll think, "I sure wish I had @pwkarch, or @ghostsofpompeii, or @RockyMountainBriar, or @KA9FFJ, or @Kmhartle, or @OlePops, or @thebadgerpiper, or @mfressa, or @pipeman83, or even @PappyJoe (I'm joshing; he does that to me from time to time....), or any of the rest of you that I've omitted..... to talk to and to help solve all of the world's problems. But there's no one with me on the rear deck; no one to shoot the breeze with; no one to just sit and smoke with, while looking at the back forty. No one.
But when I'm seated here at the 'puter with you all, I am not alone.
Thank you, one and all, for what you all mean to me.
You can count on it, brother. I used to get home to Cleveland at least once a year, to see my folks and SWMBO's folks, but they're all gone now. All that's left is one friend from elementary school, and one cousin of SWMBO.
Like you, I have made some incredible and extremely generous friends here. I've learned a lot and consider This Pipe Life as close to sitting with another pipe smoker on the back deck. I am very grateful for this site and the awesome folks who are here.
Thank you gentleman for putting up with my less than perfect grammar and creative spelling. You've made me feel welcome. Thank you @motie2. Of it hadn't been for the questions about a local blend I'd probably still be lurking instead of participating.