Thank you for ordering with us! We are very sorry for any confusion we caused in the processing of your order. Regrettably, our Fulfillment Center experienced an inventory discrepancy while preparing your items for shipment. This can be caused because of a miscount, or the item was in unsellable condition.
As you are likely aware, Esoterica blends are available very rarely. As a result, we are not in a position to honor backorders for their products. Both of these orders have been canceled. No refund is necessary as we do not charge for items until they ship.
Again, we are very sorry for any inconvenience. If you have further questions, please let us know. We’re happy to help!
@Kmhartle Congrats! There's a lot of buzz on the YTPC about P&C due to so many people being placed on backorder and then just being canceled, as was the case for me.
@Oddjob27 I saw on twitter that some folks were upset with P&C, but didn't know the reason why. This definitely explains it. Pipers take their Esoterica seriously, which is why I've given up ever ordering one of their blends. I have enough trouble ordering Rattray, Samuel Gawith, and Gawith & Hoggarth blends as it is.
Boy this whole esoterica thing gets a little bit crazy.
At our monthly pipe club meeting tonight, which is held at a cigar shop that does stock some pipe tobacco; I looked and saw they had a dozen bags of esoterica of which there were 4 blends.
I grabbed 1 bag of Pembroke and the guy behind me scooped up all the rest.
I mentioned it to a friend / member and he told me the guy was a member of the club and also has an e-bay business.
Personally I think that sucks as I'm sure he's just one of many
@mapletop - I know a couple of B&Ms put limits on how much Esoterica a single buyer can grab. They also tend to let their regular customers know in advance when it comes in.
Now, some shops don't care if one person buys it all because it is a profit. I would ask one of the managers if they know that the guy is buying from them and then selling on eBay.
@thebadgerpiper I never really "hunted" for Esoterica or "rare" blends. But if it becomes available and i hear about it, I'm willing to spend some money to see what it's about. But it was a little bit of a bummer when P&C messaged me saying they are just canceling the order. It is what it is, I'm not upset about it. But I am curious. Haha.
@Oddjob27 Totally understandable. There's a definite mystique about the Esoterica blends for those who haven't tried them. It's too bad that P&C didn't come through for you on this one, and I hope you eventually manage to snag some.
I have Pembroke, Dorchester, Dunbar, Margate, And So to Bed and Tilbury all in storage. I have a jar going of Pembroke and have had several bowls. About a year ago I tried Penzance. Neither of them blew me away. Taste is subjective, I get it. Like others, if Esoterica becomes available, I'll buy it but I don't go out of my way to seek out their blends.
As you are likely aware, Esoterica blends are available very rarely. As a result, we are not in a position to honor backorders for their products. Both of these orders have been canceled. No refund is necessary as we do not charge for items until they ship.
Again, we are very sorry for any inconvenience. If you have further questions, please let us know. We’re happy to help!
Now, some shops don't care if one person buys it all because it is a profit. I would ask one of the managers if they know that the guy is buying from them and then selling on eBay.