March Meerschaum Madness
It's March! I saw in other places discussions about smoking meerschaums in March so I decided I'm going to participate. I will smoke at least one of my meerschaum daily for the rest of the month. I have six block meerschaums, one calabash with a meerschaum bowl and a meerschaum bowl for my Kirsten. I may also load and light my large Lighthouse meerschaum at least once this month.

ON anther pipe websites they asked for member’s photo’s,,, I never saw so many grumpy looking men.
My wife tells me I always look happy when I smoke my pipe.??
I've only got a few Meerschaum pipes in my collection but I'll try to include them all at some point in time during the month.
March is one of those month's perfect for college basketball's March Madness, occasions like Meerschaum Madness, and at one of my Yahoo Horror Movie groups I've initiated a March Mesozoic Movie Marathon, where we binge watch dinosaur movies throughout the month. It's a great month before Spring when many of us are still hunkered down and hibernating as winter nears the end. Perfect time for college basketball, trying your luck at brackets, or in the case of someone like me - binge watching movies and joining PappyJoe in smoking my favorite Meerschaum pipes.
I believe that is a cheroot holder. So a cheroot differs from a “traditional” cigar in that it is a simple cigar with both ends clipped, no cap. I saw one being used in an old black & white movie, but I don’t recall the movie.
You’re looking better all the time,
Decided to start the day with Peterson Sherlock Holmes in a Calabash.
That Gourd Calabash looks like a big brother to mine
Vis-a-vis meerschaum, the old Tinder Box folks had a nice pamphlet, attached.
Lots to look at at
I would say that the majority of my meerschaums smoke cooler than most of my briars. I have some briars that tend to get to hot to comfortably hold the bowl while my meerschaums barely get hot enough to melt beeswax held to the bowl.
Clays are the hottest smoking pipes period.
Funny, just this week I have been looking at antique Meerschaum-Amber-Sterling Silver Cigar/Cheroot holders.