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My new cellar plan.

In an effort to smoke the 10 or 15 blends I now have open, I have devised a new plan.
When I buy new tobacco, I will immediately place it in the bottom of my cellar and out of sight. Unless it is something I really have to try and then I'll open it and have a bowl or two before transferring it to a mason jar and hiding it in the bottom of my cellar...

At least that's the plan.


  • drac2485drac2485 Professor
    @pappyjoe That sounds almost like the plan that I use.  Every time I see a new tobacco that I like, generally, I get it and when I get a chance its my next bowl.  I found that left me with a ton of opened tobaccos so I started immediately cellaring new tobaccos that I got.  Strangely, I don't think I have ever actually finished a tin of tobacco as I seem to purchase and prefer, currently, the bulk blends as they are cheaper and easier to share with friends.
  • I concur @pappyjoe and @drac2485. I have a stack of new tins that I am forcing myself to leave in the back of the cellar.
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