Call for Articles - Get Published on This Pipe Life

Howdy Pipers. I've been a little lax in posting new articles on the site. Frankly I haven't been that thrilled with the articles themselves. I figure what better place to source content then from the true experts - you guys.
So if you want to have your article featured in our Lounge section, just email me at
A couple of notes:
So if you want to have your article featured in our Lounge section, just email me at
A couple of notes:
- The articles can be about anything you think might interest the community - it doesn't just have to be about pipes and tobacco.
- Try to keep the articles under 1,000 words (under 750 would be ideal). Articles can always be broken up in to parts one, two, etc.
- If you want your picture featured in the article, send that too
- I know a couple of you have blogs. No problem re-posting an article from there. We'll link back to your site as well.
I had sent several short "stories ("essays") back when you first announced this.......did you receive them?
MrCalabash /aka Jon Werner