Anyone Use a Typewriter?
Lately, I've been exploring more and more ways to explore my creative side. I've been working on starting up a blog (thanks to @thebadgerpiper for the inspiration). I recently discovered something called "Typecasting" which is a form of blogging where you type on a typewriter and then upload a scan of your post. But the information out there on typewriters is, surprisingly, overwhelming. As I venture through this, was wondering if anyone here uses a typewriter?
If you are knowledgable on the subject, any info towards selecting a typewriter would be appreciated!
If you'd like to take a gander at my blog, Thankful for any visits and reads!
i used to favor the Selectric typewriter, myself. But now I'm all about the keyboard.
I learned to type on Underwood manual typewriters in high school and was able to achieve 45 words a minute error free. We had to type 28 words a minute error free to pass the class.
Once I moved up to IBM Selectric typewriters, my speed got up to a modest 90 words per minute. The last time I looked a timed test on a computer keyboard, I hit 110 words a minute. That was shortly after I retired from the Coast Guard and worked for a Temp Agency and I had to take a typing test.
I just took a photo of the tobacco I'm smoking today and just so happened to use an antique typewriter we have, so I thought I'd include the photo on this post as well since it pertains to typewriters.
I have not touched one of those in years! Didn't know you can still buy them.
@PappyJoe Portables started coming out around the mid-1930s but the "modern" designs started coming out in the 1940's. Did research through a website called Typewriterdatabase and several other blogs to breakdown the serial number. In this case, my typewriter is a Corona Sterling aka 3A which started production in 1940, but the 3A was released in 41, afterwards most of these models were branded Smith-Corona. There is a possibility that this is a 1942 model but the serial number seems to be in line with those made in 41.
After being unable to post pictures for a month or two I'm finally able to post pictures again. So this is the picture of the antique typewriter I've been trying to post since this discussion started.