Random Act of Tobacco: Clearing out My Cellar
Hi everyone - my wife and I are expecting our first child and with this, I promised my wife I would cut back my pipe smoking significantly. However, the last thing I want is for great tobacco to go to waste. I have accumulated quite a few samples of tobaccos (all kept sealed in jars) over the past couple of years that I would like to share with you all. There are Englishes, Virginia’s and some Lakelands that I’m looking to offload that I just fear I won’t get to smoke any time soon. I am not going to list out everything but think somewhere in the range of 7-10 samples (1-2 oz) of high quality tobacco. I know I don’t post here often but I have given away some stuff in the past to @Londy3, so he can vouch that it’s not a scam.
So, in order to apply for this give away, please reply here, tell me a very quick bit about your pipe journey, the tobaccos you’ve enjoyed, any favorites and those you don’t enjoy.
I’ll cover postage on this. Just want this tobacco to go to a good home.
So, in order to apply for this give away, please reply here, tell me a very quick bit about your pipe journey, the tobaccos you’ve enjoyed, any favorites and those you don’t enjoy.
I’ll cover postage on this. Just want this tobacco to go to a good home.
1. Don't smoke inside your house or car. While the science behind second and third hand smoke is very dubious, make the effort in a show of good faith.
2. Change your shirt, wash your face and hands before handling the baby. Actually, I'm a proponent of washing the hands and face or beard with unscented soap because it reduces all germs.
3. Don't smoke more than one bowl a day.
Best of luck with the baby. I used the above rules and ours have grown up to be an executive chef, high school football coach, photographer and elementary school teacher.
But it appears you have the correct attitude at this point.
I concur with the advice / suggestions that pappyjoe and swmaples provided, there are going to be scenarios that present themselves where you will find yourself all alone or out with you buds; its all in how you manage it. If you enjoy pipe smoking and find it relaxes you, you may find it to be medicinal in light of the tribulations that come with a new baby.
You’re all too kind. Thanks again.
That being said you should keep anything that you really like and just cut back a little. However, I do appreciate your offer and want to acknowledge that portion and let you know that I think it is a wonderful thing you are doing paying it forward with the tobacco you’ve accrued.
I myself have just started my journey. I got into pipe smoking because I saw it in Peaky Blinders on Netflix (if you haven’t watched it you need to) and it peaked my interest, pun intended. I also like the taste of tobacco but have found that cigars and dip are both too harsh for me. If you had any aromatics that you would like to pass on I’d be happy to try them. I’ve started with those and have not moved up or out of that realm yet.
Again, I appreciate everything you’re doing and it shows what kind of man you are that you’d dial back a hobby like that for your family’s sake.
Congratulations! I can relate and I think you may enjoy my story.
In a few months, I'm crossing over the 1/2 century mark. I'm also a dad of eight ranging from 25 down to 10. I have a few that are married, a few in college, a few in high school and then God's gift of two rascally little boys at the very end. My youngest has special needs from a brain injury, so he brings a little more work, stress and blessing to my wife and me, but he has taught all of us how to love well.
I bought my first pipe in college and smoked it through graduate school, but when we started having kids I found that I'd avoid smoking around them and regulated it to camping only. Then at some point I decided to stop so I didn't have to explain good/bad smoking to my kids or to my dental patients who raised the stink eye.
About 5 years ago, I rediscovered my pipe and my wife encouraged me to start again. It has led me to great forums, lunting, pipe carving, tobacco growing/harvesting, and blending. The best part has been the community group we started at our church with about 20-30 guys that get together every month for pipes and whiskey. I love our local community of guys.
Dental patients? For those who see me walking around town with my pipe, I've decided they can put on their big boy/girl panties and recognize their family dentist is a way more relaxed! I do smoke in my private office (because I can), but wait until all the patients leave. I have also created a seperate instagram account for pipe related activities (no reason to flaunt it).
Kids? My three oldest boys each smoke a pipe with me now and occasionally on their own. The younger kids have all learned how to pack a pipe and discern the differences between English and Aromatic blends.
My wife? She'll join me on the porch or a walk and her only complaint is a "stinky pipe" or heavy Latakias. I keep those away from her and all is well!
So...that's my journey. I'd encourage you to consider cellaring some of your best for celebratory smokes in the future life of your child/children!
Oh man, now I’m gonna want to have another!! 😁