Pipe Smoker's Jargon
in The Lounge
Reading the posts on this forum has made it abundantly clear to me that there's a lot of jargon uniquely associated with pipe smoking (e.g., PAD, stinger, ghosting). If you tried using any of these terms in normal conversation, it's likely that most people would have absolutely no idea what you were talking about.
its funny how the world changes. So shall we make a list gents?
PAD: pipe acquisition disorder
TAD: tobacco acquisition disorder
wooley: pipe cleaner
pokie: ash poker
slurry/cigar cement: pipe mud or ash mud
carpet: ryo/pipe tobacco
pooping: excess moisture or tar
liddy: anything used for stoving your pipe
paper asshole: paper/charcoal filters.
rubber: pipe softee or rubber tip.
knob: hastly/cheap/home made pipe.
@pipeprofessor, Isnt it funny how times have changed? how pipes are perceived?