Cleaning rims
I've got a couple of pipes that I am working on cleaning up. I have been using the tried-and-true cotton swab and saliva method, but was wondering if anybody had other methods.
, one of the red ones.It workes great at scrubbing the tars while not scratching the rim.
My solution to the dirty rim problem is prevention. I always leave the top 25%-30% of the bowl unfilled. When I finish smoking, I remove any large pieces of dottle with my Czech tool, then rake out the remaining ash using a q-tip. Once that step is completed, I will use a piece of paper towel to remove the remaining ash and residue from the rim. The remaining ash acts as a polishing compound on smooth pipes, and keeps the rim looking like new.
Some pipe smokers like to use ash to polish up any silver adornments on their pipes as well.
I have no desire to remove it except - maybe - as part of an extensive cleaning operation.
I think of my pipes as tools, not as collector pieces. Of course, I am a cheap old bastard, and none of my pipes were more that $50.00
I usually load my pipes approximately 1/4 inch from the rim. Then after a careful prelight, I lightly tamp which results in about 3/8 of an inch from the rim.
I've noticed a very prolonged time before the rim becomes an issue...
For those of you that have no issue with the rim, I truly do envy you... really...
We should start a sub-group of TPL "Cheap old Bastards". I have some pipes I've spent some money on and others not so much. I have very few that I worry about rim rot. I smoke those that smoke good and clean them when they get to where they don't. Not many people see me smoking and I just don't give it much thought. @KA9FFJ is fastidious in everything he does and how everything looks. It has to have a connection to his training in the Marines. I admire him, but could't emulate that if me life depended on it. Once I left the department I vowed two things: I don't wash and wax any vehicles and I don't worry about inspection of much of anything.
”Cheap Old Bastards”
I like it.
And I clean my pipes when cleaning will make them smoke better.
’Nuff said.
I agree 100%, I love my cobs too, and I'll go up to $50 but I draw the line there.
I’m pretty sure all of my cobs will still outlast me. I have been eyeing the MM “Freehand”, but have not been able to justify it’s price….yet.
Like this one, this is a pretty cob, but $53? It does come with a leather strap to rest your nut sack on, but still pretty high for a natural finish cob...
Yea, looks ok, but not $53 ok….at least to me.
Yeah but the nut sack rest has a cool MM logo stamped on there's that.
I could be mistaken, but I think there's only one that needs supporting by this leather strap. Think of a peanut and it's shell accommodates two peanuts--I could be wrong though.
Peanut example much to small, more like two potatoes in a sack, hence the need for a two-fer. 😉😳😬
Yep, my theory has its problems