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Value Blends that are worth more

What are some value blends that you feel could demand a higher price point?


  • KirbybKirbyb Newcomer

    PS Luxury Navy Flake for me is a tremendous value, I would pay more and probably will have to is short order.

  • I agree @kirbyb, I do enjoy some PS Lux Navy Flake and it is great on the wallet as well.
  • Define "value blends", first of all. Are you referring to the Lane & PS bulks?
  • @judandhispipe...I was referencing blends that are not made with prime tobaccos and are often not tinned. Blends like Montego Bay, Middleton, Carter Hall, etc....I'm not saying they are bad by any means, but just that they are priced lower than premium blends.
  • OK, got it, @pipeprofessor - the sort of blends that are often referred to as "drugstore" blends, "OTC" blends, or perhaps "codger burleys". I wondered,since everyone immediately jumped in with a couple of PS bulks.
    I smoked a bunch of the codger burleys a few years back - Carter Hall, Prince Al, Kentucky Club, Sir Walter - as well as revisiting a couple that I smoked a lot in college - Sail and Troost. Of the CBs, my fave was definitely KC, with the Prince in second place. But I don't think that they're worth any more than they are sold for. Nothing wrong with them, for what they are - but they aren't worth any more than they are priced. 
  • I think there is another whole level of "value" pipe tobaccos below the OTC range of Carter Hall, Prince Albert, Sir Walter Raleigh, etc. 
    You find them in gas stations and tobacco, beer & liquor stores here in the south with names like 4 Aces, Kentucky Gold, Largo, Smoker's Pride, etc.

    My personal opinion is that these are the RYO tobaccos hiding out as pipe tobacco.
  • @judandhispipe, yes that was exactly what I was referring to, sorry for the confusion. I agree that some are good for what they are and don't try to be more.
  • @pappyjoe I agree. Those such as 3 Aces and the like are RYO blends that have called themselves 'pipe' tobacco in an effort to dodge the taxes on cigarette tobacco. Now that it will all be regulated, they only postponed the taxing. I firmly believe that what they did was unethical and shady. These big bags of cheap tobacco are may many people see when they are in a store and thus think that this is what pipe smoking is about. Its partly our fault in the pipe community for letting them get away with it, as it's now tarnished our image.
  • The whole tax on RYO (which was part of that "Marlboro Protection Plan" bill from 2009) was simply an attempt by Big Tobacco to limit their competition.
  • I buy Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bulls Eye, PS Luxury Twist Flake and PS Luxury Navy Flake in in bulk. When Pipes & Cigars or Smoking Pipes run a sale on these you can get them down to the $45 range for 1.5lbs. To me these are excellent tobaccos for aging and at this price it makes it affordable to get a few pounds to cellar each year. I just bought my first 1.5lb box of Luxury Twist Flake and even fresh from the pack it's a quality smoke in my opinion. 
  • yeah the ryo tobaccos that you find in mini marts and smoke shops labled pipe tobacco are an insult to pipe smokers..its a shame that pipe tobacco is now under the microscope of the fed due to these RYO trying to avoid ciggie taxes..
  • I'll buy that Jud, Big Tobacco, Big Pharma are really uncaring and rotten. Pipe Smokers are only 1.5% of the smoking population and we're getting thrown under the bus.
  • McClelland 5110 Dark English is a bulk that touches all the bases that Frog Morton does only it is better at it in my opinion.
  • Smokers Pride (By Lane) Black Cavendish is decent but you've got to dry it a looong time. Kinda Gloppy.
  • Agree about Largo, it is more a RYO kind. But also think that many OTCs like Half and Half or Mixture 79 are underpriced, but again, lets keep this way.
  • No matter what or how, the government is going tax & then tax some more!  Several different employees @ some of the local shops would tell not to try certain products...they stated that they were cigarette tobacco trying to dodge the tax!  I agree with "Woodsman" about Smokers Pride Black Cavendish!
  • It's true a lot of RYO tobacco was repackaged as pipe tobacco to avoid the ridiculous taxes and most are just cig tobacco. I do have to mention one brand, though, that started as RYO but put out some really good tobacco, Daughters and Ryan. In fact Mark Ryan may have single handedly saved Perique production.
    Some of their blends are obviously for RYO such as Three Sails and Ryback because of the eyelash shag cut but I actually like the Ryback blends in a pipe. I love the Rimboche AB and AP and the Windsail for my pipe. My brother uses Cockstrong, Picayune and Windsail to stuff his cigarettes and they are all very reasonably priced.
     I smoke PS Amsterdam pipe tobacco as my RYO and like it better than the Amsterdam cig tobacco that costs a lot more just due to it's shag cut.
  • Man, dollar-for-dollar, the Daughters and Ryan bulks are far better than most OTC, "cheap" blends IMO. They're inexpensive and use excellent quality tobaccos. I've been solidly surprised by every D&R blend I've tried.

    I do have to take issue with calling Three Sails and Ryback RYO blends simply because they're shag cut. They're good, Virginia-based blends without any additives, unlike RYO tobaccos which are generally burley-based and full of extra crap. Shag cut tobacco has been around for ages and shouldn't automatically equate to RYO cigarette tobacco.
  • If yall are looking to stock up on any of those Peter Stokkebye bulks previously mentioned, Smokingpipes.com is running a 10% off sale, all thru the month of December.
  • Just got a coupon in my P&C order, PS Bulk Blends,8oz. for 15.99 until 2/17!

  • in 1964 I was in Amsterdam and out of tobacco, my buddy was an RYO type from Tenn. and he'd picked up a brand called Javaanse Jongens. He gave me a cigarette made of it and it was the finest Virginia I ever smoked. I tried many tobacconists in NY and no one had ever heard of it. However, they all offered to try to make one like it for a rather ridicules price.

  • A mention was made elsewhere in the site about Smoker's Pride being an RYO, it really isn't, I mentioned that their Black Cavendish was very acceptable for smoking straight or blending. The only drawback was the excessive wetness of it. It smoked OK from the bag but needed relights and it takes a very long time to dry. 
  • dumoulin, I see your point and I agree. Some of their blends were originally marketed as RYO and they changed the labeling after the 2009 draconian tax went into effect. I smoke Ryback and occasionally 3 sails in a pipe and very rarely roll it. I actually prefer to roll Stokkebye 83 Amsterdam pipe tobacco, not the shag, for my cigs. The shag is more homogeneous and I like the pipe cut for the flavor.
  • Another blend that comes to mind, that is always a great value in a Vs/Per blend, is Orlik Golden Sliced. A premium quality tin tobacco, that is very affordable, and one that I would suggest for a pipe smoker looking to explore Virginia.Perique blends.
  • PS Cube Cut is a tremendous value. Bugler Pipe Cut is not all that on it's own but blends very well. D & R has some very nice inexpensive tobacco but most of it is a roll your own cut. It works well in corn cobs. All of these blend well with the PS Cube Cut.
  • I have to agree with those that recommend the PS bulks. I find the Cube Cut Burley especially smooth and flavorful.
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