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The Difference the Right Pipe Can Make for a Blend

I have recently been working on a tin of Astleys 55. Frankly, I had been undewhelmed as I worked through my Virginia pipe rotation.
Then - I loaded up a bowl in an iRC house label bent billiard. This is not an especially notable pipe in appearance - a simple,unstained pipe that is around the size of a Dunhill Group 3. I've had several house pipes from IRC, however, and have found them to be good smokers. I think this one set me back about $50.
The Astley sang to me in this pipe. It was light and citrusy - a total joy. I truly savored every puff.It certainly lived up to its four star rating at Tobacco Reviews.
This is a reminder to me - and all of us - don't give up right away on a blend that doesn't ring your chimes from the git-go. It's also a reminder that some of these smaller, well-established old houses have some darned fine blends. I've certainly been enjoying my exploration of Astleys.
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