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Nording Hunters Blend Labrador

I am usually ahead of the "day late and dollar short" club, but I think I really screwed up. I bought 6 tins of this blend over a month ago and put it in the cellar as I had a Mason jar filled for my immediate use. I actually wrote on my note pad "order 6 more tins minimum" as I knew McClelland mixed and tinned this blend.

So off I go on my merry way doing what I had to do (that voodoo that I do so well.....sometimes). Earlier this evening I happened to have come across the note that I wrought to myself, and thought I better get on the stick. So I start with my saved pages for tobacco shopping and guess what, I can't find anyone (who I trust) who has it in stock. I am very disappointed in myself as I knew this was going to happen and still did not act upon my own warning.

I only hope that Nording finds another blender and soon. And I hope they can match or exceed what McClelland had for tobacco stock. This is/ was one of my go to blends, and with only 6 tins left, and no knowledge of any plans to reconnect with a good blender I will need to "ration" my stock so it will still be available to me when I am well into my 120's.

Should anyone have any news regarding this blend, or come upon any news in the future please drop me a message. Until then I will be in the "cellar" armed and with a helmet on, standing guard over my remaining cellared Labrador. So don't anyone get any ideas.......


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