In my researched it appears most people use Fiebing's. I am working on staining a pipe for a friend who is having a baby girl. So, I am looking for some pink dye. Sadly, Fiebing's does not make a pink dye.
@hiker007 ~ I'd try playing with the Fiebing Red dye. I'm not sure if you have any briar scraps to experiment with but I'm thinking applying red and sanding it down with a high grit sand paper would possibly lighten it to a pink color. Of course, buffing and waxing can effect the final color too. I may have a few scraps if you want to try it. Let me know.
@Kmhartle Thanks for the suggestion and for the offer of scraps. I do happen to have some scrap briar. I will give it a try. I thought about using black dye first. Sanding it and then dying it again. I will let you know how it comes out.