Dunhill Tins
in Tobacco Talk
I’ve purchased my first two tins of Dunhill, My Mixture 965 and London Mixture. Which should I open first? Can I get a couple of you kind folks to give me an idea of which one y’all like better? I read tobacco reviews.com when shopping, but I’d appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
Some to smoke
Some to cellar
The only Dunhill I really disliked was Royal Yacht.
@Charles Cool! I’ll have to check those out.
Mine is still in the bag since I bought a couple oz in bulk. Love the aroma!
Here's a good reference: https://www.gtin.info/upc/
With a UPC with a six digit company prefix, the first six digits are the company prefix and identifies the company who made the product.
The next five number would be the product number. And the last number would be the Check Digit.
As has always been the case, I find you to be a fountain of solid information and advice.