@Londy3 -- Find yourself in northern NJ, weather permitting, and we'll smoke a bowl on the rear deck. Makes it sound like a McMansion, does it not? Well. it's not. But it does have a rear deck..... of badly taken care of (my fault), cheap non pressure treated lumber to begin with (someone else's fault). The previous owners undoubtedly added it to enhance the sale price. A good thing, because SWMBO won't let me smoke in the house.
I have to find a new activity, because the local hawk has thinned the herd of squirrels to the point where my slingshot sits unloved for months at a time. Oh well, maybe next spring there will be an explosion of squirrels heading for the bird feeder. One lives in hope.
@mfresa With all the Black Walnut trees around me there's no shortage of them this year, they leave stains everywhere when they chow down. Listen to music with sound blocking headphones, read, and think about things.
Speaking of Sunday mornings..... (as @pappyjoe did, back in May or July of 2016)
Favorite Times, Favorite Places by Eric Squires
When the word favorite comes up in matters of pipe and tobacco, the subjects are most often, for understandable reasons, favorite pipes and favorite tobaccos. Even though I have a few pipes I smoke far more often than any others, and ditto tobaccos, I don't really have any favorites. Not favorite pipes or favorite tobaccos at least; I do have favorite times, and favorite places.
A favorite among those favorites is Sunday morning, still lying in bed. This is an easy favorite for an obvious reason: it requires no work. Wake up, let my head clear, shoo the cat off my chest, lean back against the headboard, reach over to my nightstand for whatever pipe(s) and tobacco(s) I happened to last leave there; there, done. All that's left is to sit very still, watch smoke play around in the light coming through the window, and think upon whatever comes to mind knowing I have all the time I may like.Coffee, in theory, would also be nice. However I usually do without it on these mornings. First of all, part of the whole joy of a lazy Sunday morning is still being drowsy and able to get away with it. Secondly, and this is the big one, making coffee would require actually getting out of bed. Nuts, I say, to that. There are after all six other mornings in a week to error in that direction.
So I sit and think muddled thoughts — on what I may have dreamt the night before, on what has passed the week before, on what is to be done in the week to come, on anything I please at all. And I watch smoke drift through light.
"while smoking my pipe?" Well, since I go outside, the weather has to be nice enough for relaxing and I have to have the free time. So, if all conditions are met, I will enjoy bourbon and playing live music.
Makes it sound like a McMansion, does it not? Well. it's not.
But it does have a rear deck..... of badly taken care of (my fault), cheap non pressure treated lumber to begin with (someone else's fault). The previous owners undoubtedly added it to enhance the sale price. A good thing, because SWMBO won't let me smoke in the house.
Listen to music with sound blocking headphones, read, and think about things.
Favorite Times, Favorite Places by Eric Squires
When the word favorite comes up in matters of pipe and tobacco, the subjects are most often, for understandable reasons, favorite pipes and favorite tobaccos. Even though I have a few pipes I smoke far more often than any others, and ditto tobaccos, I don't really have any favorites. Not favorite pipes or favorite tobaccos at least; I do have favorite times, and favorite places.
A favorite among those favorites is Sunday morning, still lying in bed. This is an easy favorite for an obvious reason: it requires no work. Wake up, let my head clear, shoo the cat off my chest, lean back against the headboard, reach over to my nightstand for whatever pipe(s) and tobacco(s) I happened to last leave there; there, done. All that's left is to sit very still, watch smoke play around in the light coming through the window, and think upon whatever comes to mind knowing I have all the time I may like.Coffee, in theory, would also be nice. However I usually do without it on these mornings. First of all, part of the whole joy of a lazy Sunday morning is still being drowsy and able to get away with it. Secondly, and this is the big one, making coffee would require actually getting out of bed. Nuts, I say, to that. There are after all six other mornings in a week to error in that direction.
So I sit and think muddled thoughts — on what I may have dreamt the night before, on what has passed the week before, on what is to be done in the week to come, on anything I please at all. And I watch smoke drift through light.
Well, since I go outside, the weather has to be nice enough for relaxing and I have to have the free time. So, if all conditions are met, I will enjoy bourbon and playing live music.