Does anyone have a Ropp Cherrywood pipe? I have collected several and so far love the way they smoke. They do seem to smoke sweeter than a cob. Has anyone else had this experience?
Don't have a Ropp but I do have a piece of cherrywood that's been air drying in the garage for 18 months. I'm planning on carving it into a pipe after it hits 2 years.
@pappyjoe I have thought about doing that myself. However, between work and school right now I seem to have more plans on doing things than I can actually get done. One day...
I decided to give pipe carving a try about 3 years ago and bought some pre-drilled briar blocks from Mark Tinsky, one of the premier American pipe carvers. I also bought some blocks of soft wood to try out first and figure out how to do it before I tackled the briar. While I was working on the cheap wood I bought some cherrywood and white oak. I learned the cherrywood wasn't cured or dried enough and that white oak was too hard for my taste.
I did turn the blocks from Mark Tinsky into 4 good smoking briar pipes which just goes to prove that if the drilling is done properly then you will probably have a good smoking pipe. I have 2 of the pipes and gave each of my sons the other ones. They all still get smoked.
They were all carved "freehand" using a belt sander, files and a rotary tool.
@pappyjoe I'll have to keep that in mind and give a try some time. I've wanted tot ry and make my own for a while and have done a bunch of research but just haven't bitten that bullet yet. I was thinking about getting some wood and try my hand at carving before tackling the briar as well.
@pappyjoe Yeah stems is the thing that has me the most nervous/curious as they seem the most difficult but the ideas I have in my mind... I just wish more pipe makers, not the $300 pipes and up, would use more colored cumberland stems as I love the look
Here's the pipe I made before I had any clue what I was doing. It's not great and neither is this picture, but without using the webcam all my files are too big to upload.